If they are occurring in an area that you strained performing an unusual task, they ought to go away after a few days. If they are occurring in an area where you use those muscles all the time, then you're apt to have problems for quite some time... It's really hard to identify which situation you're in until some time has passed. If you're having a chronic condition, say, after 4-6 weeks, then it's going to be more difficult to get rid of the spasms & pain. Regardless of the situation I would recommend heat (or ice) to the affected area for 30-60 minutes several times a day. Some folks do well by alternating. A Methyl-salicylate cream, such as Ben-Gay (or a cheaper Wal-Mart brand) applied to the affected area 3-4 times a day (KEEP AWAY FROM EYES, or MUCOUS MEMBRANES) will help. Another thing I use almost weekly is a Homedic Massager (approx $35 at Wal-Mart). Massage the area several times a day... It's a life-saver!! Good Luck... (No... I don't work for Homedic)...
how long does muscle spasms last
what is the difference between muscle spasm and muscle cramps
Muscle cramps and muscle spasms are both symptoms of a sudden, involuntary contraction of a muscle or group of muscles. They can be painful and can last from a few seconds to several minutes. Muscle cramps are most common in the legs, especially the calves, but they can occur in any muscle in the body. Muscle spasms can also occur in any muscle in the body, but they are more common in the back and neck. The symptoms of muscle cramps and muscle spasms are similar, but there are a few key differences. Muscle cramps are typically more painful and can be accompanied by a visible bulge in the affected muscle. Muscle spasms are typically less painful and may not be accompanied by a visible bulge. Muscle cramps and muscle spasms can be caused by a number of different things, including: Dehydration Electrolyte imbalance Muscle fatigue Overuse of the muscle Holding a position for too long Certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, kidney disease, and thyroid disorders Certain medications Pregnancy If you experience muscle cramps or muscle spasms on a regular basis, it is important to see a doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions. Here are some tips for relieving muscle cramps and muscle spasms: Gently stretch the affected muscle. Massage the affected muscle. Apply heat or ice to the affected muscle. Drink plenty of fluids. Rest the affected muscle. If the muscle cramp or muscle spasm is severe or does not go away after a few minutes, seek medical attention.
Muscle spasms or cramps.
muscle spasms. its a muscle relaxant.
One might find information about treating muscle spasms at the online site WebMD. They have great details on the causes and potential treatments for these spasms.
muscle spasms
An imbalance of electrolytes causes problems with spasms.
The spasms you are feeling are muscle spasms. Muscle spasms are mostly caused by dehydration so you should try to hydrate yourself to stop them.
Muscle relaxants work by targeting the central nervous system to reduce muscle contractions and increase blood flow to the affected area, which helps alleviate muscle tension and spasms.
If you are having muscle spasms and are looking for a way to relieve these symptoms without having to go to a doctor's office, simply take a long hot shower or bath, 2 tylonal extra strength and relax your muscles.