It depends which colonies you are talking about. Britain had colonies all around the known world at that time. In the American colonies, it took about 3.5 months to get across the Atlantic. To the asian colonies (India, etc...) it took about twice that amount of time.
when did england take over the 13 colonies
passage of the Reform Act of 1832
The colonists proclaimed the Declaration of Independence. After that the war took place in the colonies with the British sending ships of soldiers.
In 1776, it typically took ships around 6 to 8 weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean.
_ Dickinson argued declaring independence would hurt the colonies rather than help them. He did not think any European nation would help the colonies against Britain. He also believed that the colonies would stay united if they won independence._ John Admas agreed declaring independence would lead to difficult times. It would take a long time to build a new country. He also said that there was no other way out of the dispute with Britain.
taxes and take control of colonies
when did england take over the 13 colonies
Australia did not take over Britain. Britain actually took over Australia originally and formed colonies on that continent. Later, the Australian people moved away from British rule.
Only English ships could be used in Colonial times to transport exported goods from the Colonies to Europe and other parts of the world. This measure passed by Parliament probably led to piracy on the high seas because English ships would take possession of other ships leaving the Colonies.
What lead to the American Revolution was that Britain did not take care of the colonies as the should have.
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They did because they can expected Britain to take over.
Britain was in a war with France. When they traded, Britain would take over the ship and take the men from the ship. Thomas Jefferson cut off trade so that way no one would be captured.
How Long Does It TAke 2 Get 2 Australlia From Britain ??
passage of the Reform Act of 1832
They are yet to be finished.
it took a long time