Depends on what the crime was, and for what type of gun. A felon in possession of a firearm violates a Federal law in the US, punished by 5 years in a Federal prison, no probation, no parole.
6 years
That depends on the law of your state.
Someone serves in the Senate for 6 years.
until the hand gets tired
Representatives serve in the US House of Representatives for terms of two years; there is not limit to the number of terms a representative can serve.
8 years i think
these are only ones i can think of but there could be more jump serve floater regular serve side serve under hand serve drop serve (where the ball just basically drops over on the other side hard) dinker serve (not the best and normally not on purpose) short serve long serve
A felon in possession of a firearm will face a new felony range charge. Punishment ranges from probation to up to ten years in jail.
Nothing."Long hand" means hand written (using pen and ink/a pencil)"Delivery by hand" means putting the letter though someone's letterbox yourself (not using the postal services).
3 hrs
how long did bisphop eddie long serve in prison
It is on your record forever, unless you get a court order to expunge the crime from your record.