After ROM (rupture of membranes) most doctors start to worry about infection after 12 hours. If the mom and baby are both doing well and labor is progressing, it is completely arbitrary to do a C/Section because X number of hours have passed.
If the mother is kept well hydrated and doctors and nurses refrain from doing internal exams, nature should be allowed to take it's course. If the water breaks before labor starts or the mom is having a slow start/long labor and the doctor is worried about infection the mother can be put on antibiotics to help prevent an infection for her and the baby.
When a woman has PROM (premature rupture of membranes) and the baby is too young to be safely delivered, she will need to be hospitalized, so the fluids in the womb can be replaced with warm sterile water and she will be put on antibiotics to prevent infections. A growing baby needs the water filled environment to develop properly and to prevent a cord accident. In this case the baby is left in the womb as long as it is considered safer inside or until her labor starts and can't be stopped.
The baby can stay inside for a while after the baby is born, but there are many complications with this...
it increases the chances of a baby getting an infection.
it increases the pressure on the baby, which could hurt him/her. there is no water surrounding him as padding now to alleviate this pressure.
the baby will not be able to move for that month, which could cause problems with his/her joints.
You dont! the baby comes and ur water breaks and theres no way you can make yourself go into labor.
The danger in taking too long to get to the hospital after your water breaking is the possibility that you will have the baby before you get there, which can be dangerous. Labor can go quickly after the amniotic sac breaks, so it is best to get to the hospital as soon as possible.
A women knows when her water breaks that she is about to give birth because the water that comes out the women is what protects the baby in the womb. Once the liquid is released the baby has nothing to protect it anymore. The women has to give birth...
The water protects the baby.When your water breaks the baby has no protection so you'll have to go to the hospital.Without protection , the baby has more chances of getting less Agpar points.Which means it has only like about 75% of being healthy.Bacteria from all around can get to the baby.If you still are worried then ask your doctor she/he will tell you.:)
When your water breaks while your sleeping, you will more than likely wake up. If in the event the initial water breakage doesn't wake you the contraction that will follow will! It won't go undetected for long:)
It varies from person to person. My wife had all 5 of our children within 20 minutes of her water breaking If your water breaks, ten you will have 2 days ti have your baby at the most because there are risks of infection after your water breaks!
go to the hospital emediatly
I have three Baby Murray turtles, I let them play in the shower for abot an hour with no water.I would say they could go an hour without water.
Go freeze a basin of water, bash your head into it and see which breaks first.
On how long you can go baby ;]
Of course as long as you dont go in water that is too hot such as the hot tub...but if you swim in 'regular' (luke warm) water then your fine! You can go into the hot tub as well. Your body regulates the heat inside so it will not reach the baby.
go to your doctor you really need to