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It varies from person to person. Definitely wait till after the initial healing period to remove it though. Septums are really easy to hide so you could wear a horseshoe and flip it up or even a barbell. If your piercer did it correctly, they should not have pierced cartilage so don't worry about that.

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Q: How long before you can remove septum piercing and not have it close up?
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How long does a septum piercing take to close up?

a septum piercing never closes completly, sorry

How long before you can remove an industrial piercing and not have it close up?

1 year after having it done, you can take the jewellery out for an 8 hour period without fear of the piercing closing up.

What happens when you remove a belly ring?

A small hole will be visible. The longer you have had the piercing, the longer it will take to close. If you want the hole to close, do NOT try putting anything through it to see if it is shrinking. This will only prolong the closing process.

How long does it take a piercing to close after 12 months?

it depends on the type of piercing and the size of the piercing. If it's a small gauge it will close within a few days, larger gauge a weeks. Just wash the piercing remove the jewellery and clean the area when bathing normally. It will close when it feels like it, you just need to leave it alone.

After an industrial piercing is fully healed and you can remove it how long can it stay out before the holes start to close up?

it completely depends on your body. mine seriously closed in a few hours and I had it done two years before.

How can to cure snakebite piercings?

You cannot "cure" a piercing, per-se. If you remove a lip piercing, the hole will close as with any other piercing, though, depending on how long the piercing was in place will define the length of time it takes for the piercing to close entirely. if the piercing has been in place for some time, there is a likelihood that the piercing will scar. The scar will not be immediately noticeable, and will take the shape- in most cases- of a small crater at the site of the piercing.

Does a nose piercing or a septum piercing hurt more and is there any harm or damage a septum can do and what piercing would you compare to pain to a septum?

Honestly, it always depends on your pain tolerance, I'm not that strong and when I went to do it the girl said that actually men cry a lot when they do it. I'm a girl, and I'm 13 and she thought i was 16/17 like everybody else and i just close my eyes, felt a little pinch , and that's all. the only tiny bit i hurt when she was doing the balls . but then it was ok. the only problem is that for about 3 days you cant laugh really well..but it s worth it, believe me.

When your in your third trimester of pregnancy and you remove your navel piercing how long will it take to close?

Well chances are good that the piercing may not close, it depends on how long you had the piercing before the jewellery is removed. Most of my clients get the jewellery replaced with a PTFE barbell which is ultra flexible made of surgical Teflon they manage to keep the piercing right through to delivery with no problems. If you have had the piercing for over a year, chances are good the piercing wont closed but it will shrink without jewellery in the piercing. You can get the jewellery put back in by seeing your piercer and having them use an insertion taper to reinsert the jewellery.

I have had my Septum pierced for about8 months my ring is stripped and looks horrible because i have 1 black ball and 1 silver i really want to change it Will it grow in immediately?

After almost 8 months you have nothing to worry about the septum will not close that fast and you should be able to get some new jewellery into the piercing with out any issues.

How Long Does it take for a Navel piercing healing after taking it out?

It depends on the type of piercing and the size of the piercing. If it's a small gauge it will close within a few days, larger gauge a weeks. Just wash the piercing remove the jewellery and clean the area when bathing normally. It will close when it feels like it, you just need to leave it alone.

You had your ear pierced for 12 months and have not wore earrings for four months and you want the hole to close how long will it take to close?

It depends on the type of piercing and the size of the piercing. If it's a small gauge it will close within a few days, larger gauge a weeks. Just wash the piercing remove the jewellery and clean the area when bathing normally. It will close when it feels like it, you just need to leave it alone.

How long do I have to keep a tongue piercing in before you can take it out to hide it from my parents?

I took mine out about a week in and replaced it with a clear bar, but they tell you you should wait a minimum of 2 wks before you remove the original bar. You can't keep the bar out or the hole will close. It's only a matter of minutes before it will close so I don't advise you to take it out and keep it out. Just replace it with a tongue retainer. You can google them. Also, it doesn't matter how long you've had the piercing, your tongue heals quickly and the hole will close. I know someone who had their tongue piercing for 10 yrs but when she took her tongue ring out it only took about half an hour before the hole started closing.