If you want to become pregnant then wait for 6-7- days after sex.
It should be quite accurate at 3 weeks
The ClearBlue pregnancy tests are 95% of the time accurate. If it comes back positive, then you are definitely pregnant, however if it comes back negative you may still be pregnant, so you may have to take it again in a few days.
2 weeks
11 days
A positive result on a Clearblue pregnancy test indicates the presence of the hormone hCG. If there is no line in the control window, the test may be defective or invalid. It is recommended to retake the test with a new one to confirm the results.
2 weeks.
Most women should wait at least a few days after sex before taking a pregnancy test.
You should wait for at least two weeks for then only can you do a pregnancy test that will show a result.
If you leave it on the counter it shouldn't take to long maybe 1 min or 2 min. It won't take long
You should take a pregnancy test shortly after your missed period. That is when a home pregnancy test is most effective. Although I have heard you can do a blood test at the doctor as soon as 2 weeks before your missed period.
Wait a week and then retake the test.
3 Months