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Typically menarche (first period) will start within four years of reaching puberty, when exactly depends on your body and development. Although it's important to understand thatpuberty is largely an internal change so you may not even realise when you've entered puberty.

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Q: How long after puberty will you start your period?
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When you start puberty probly a little bit after your period

How long after you start having discharge does your period start?

It's impossible to say when your period will start following getting discharge. Discharge starts as a girl enters puberty, everyone develops differently during puberty but typically we say that a girl will reach menarche within four years of starting puberty.

Which do you get first puberty or your period?

Menarche (first period) is part of going through puberty. Menstruation only occurs when a person starts to ovulate, as menstruation occurs if an egg isn't fertilised. Puberty refers to the process of going from a child to a sexually mature adult, thus puberty has to start in order for you then to start menstruating as menstruation occurs only after you start to ovulate.

How long do you get vaginal discharge for before you get your period?

Vaginal discharge starts as you enter puberty, there is no way of telling when your period will start by when you started to get discharge. The most that can be said is that menstruation normally starts within four years of starting puberty.

Do your breasts grow when you are on your period?

Having your period is the sign that means that you are starting your puberty. Puberty includes breast development, so your breast will start growing when you are having your period.

How old does a female have to be to get on her period?

Females can start having their periods once they start puberty. Puberty usually starts between the ages of 9 and 13.

I just hit puberty about 4 months ago.when do you start your period after 4 months of puberty?

If you are a male and are worried about your period, you need to speak with someone. Now.

How can you tell when you start puberty?

you get bigger, get boobs, start your period, get more muscle,that sort of stuff

What does it mean if you start your period early?

You got your period early!

When you start your period do you get your body shape?

Both are part of going through puberty.

Why did you start your period early?

All girls are different. Some start puberty earlier than others.

When does the blood sheds from vagina for the girl to start puberty?

Puberty starts before the menstruation does. When a girl get her period varies so I can not tell you when you will get yours but it is whenever during puberty.