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iPod touch baby!!!!

The only downside is that the iPod touch is more expensive. I wouldn't get the 8gb iPod touch though. if you want 8gb i would get the iPod nano. Because the iPod 8gb touch can hold 1750 songs with ten hours of video. 32gb iPod touch can arange prices of 300 to 400 but totaly worth it!!!! 7,000 songs with 40 Hours of video!!!! But bigger is better the 64gb 14000 songs and 80 hours of video!!!!!! It has more features and apps tooo!!!!!!! with the nano it only goes up to 16gb at the most!!!! also the awesome thing is its screen is sooo much bigger!!!!!! but if u like small more portable music players and your not a really trust worthy person (if ure good at losing things and not good at finding) i would get the iPod nano!!! LOL anyway it really depends on the person and wat U want! Dont take words from any one else.

Every one at my school had an iPod nano. They were like get an iPod nano for Christmas. Dont get a touch they brake easily but i already bout the iPod touch and im waiting for Christmas so i can open that little buddy up!!!

really its YOUR decision and make a wise decision and choose what U want. Besides theyre both great!!!

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15y ago

* You touch the iPod Touch, but you cannot with the Nano. * With the iPod Touch, you can add all kinds of apps, like games, Facebook.... And those are probably the reasons.

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If you are thinking of buying an iPod should you buy an iPod Nano or iPod touch?

iPod TouchiPod touch is better than the Nano because it has every thing the Nano has and more. If you're thinking on buying a iPod buy an iPod Touch.

How is an iPod touch better than an iPod Nano?

If you ask me the iPod touch is better because you have wifi and apps with the iPod touch. If you get the iPod nano you cant do anything but play pre-loaded games and play music. The iPod touch is 1 step down from the iPhone.

Which is newer the iPod nano 6th generation or the iPod touch 4th generation?

The iPod touch is much newer and a lot better than the nano, the touch is basically a mini iPad 2

Is a iPod touch better than a iPod Nano?

YES by far, the ipod touch has waaaaaaay more features and its touch screen with built in speakers

What breaks quicker iPod Nano or touch?

It depends on the circumstances. Neither are supposed to be broken, but since the iPod Touch has more glass than the iPod Nano, it would have to be the iPod Touch.

Is iPod touch better than iPod Nano?

ipod nanos are more fragile the itouchs and hold less music and are extremely limited

Why should you get a iPod classic?

160gb, awesome downloadable games, personaly, i think its better than the touch or nano.

What is a touch screen iPod other than the iPod touch?

There are currently four types of iPods with a touch screen: the iPod Touch, the iPhone, the iPad, and the ipod nano multi-touch.

Does the iPod touch have more space than the new iPod Nano?

It depends what size you bought. The iPod touch is available with 8gb, 16gb, and 32gb. The iPod nano 4G is available with 8gb and 16gb.

Is the iPod touch better than the iPod nano?

The software on iPod Touches can be upgraded (the latest software is 3.1.2) however if the hardware is upgradable is unknown. The hard drive (8GB, 16GB, or 32GB depending on your iPod) cannot be upgraded due to the fact that the hard drive is soldered to the iPod and cannot be removed.

Is the iPod nano better than the itouch?

yes it is

Is a iPod Nano fourth generation good to buy?

The ipod nano 4th generation is still VERY popular today. I would reccomd to get it (its better value than a ipod touch or classical). I got one not to long ago, I recomed this to anyone.