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They are technically the same although a sustained contraction means that you may or may not have a disease that causes all of of your bones to spontaneously break producing a soft ocean sound from all of your phalanges. If this happens you may or may not die. If you suddenly start twitching, you may be in danger of getting a disorder from the xenonic acids in the marrow.

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Q: How is a twitch different from a sustained contraction?
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Skeletal muscle twitch differs from a tetanic contraction in that?

Skeletal muscle twitch is a single, brief contraction and relaxation cycle, whereas a tetanic contraction involves sustained, rapid repeated contractions without relaxation in between. Tetanic contractions occur when the muscle is stimulated at a high frequency, leading to a fused contraction.

What is a twitch contraction?

A twitch contraction is a single, brief contraction of a muscle fiber in response to a stimulus. It is the smallest unit of muscle contraction and is not strong enough to produce movement of a limb.

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What is a muscle twitch?

A muscle twitch is an involuntary contraction of a muscle group without conscious effort.

A maximal sustained muscle contraction is called a?

tetanic contraction.

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Fast-twitch fibers can deliver a quick burst of power.Slow-twitch fibers can maintain a contraction for a longer time! -Apex :]

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What is a sustained muscle contraction?

Occurs when acetylcholine (ACh) accumulates in the neuromuscular junction. It is called a tetanic contraction.

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Sumation of contraction

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muscle tone

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muscle tone

Single muscle contraction that lasts only a fraction of a second is called?

A: A Twitch