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A single shot firearm does exactly that. Shoots a single shot. A repeating firearm, or automatic shoots many shots while you only have to pull the trigger once. Do not confuse automatic with semi-automatic, which are guns that fire as fast as you pull the trigger.

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Q: How is a single-shot firearm different from a repeating firearm?
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How is a single shot different from a repeating firearm?

A single shot firearm does exactly that. Shoots a single shot. A repeating firearm, or automatic shoots many shots while you only have to pull the trigger once. Do not confuse automatic with semi-automatic, which are guns that fire as fast as you pull the trigger.

How is a single shot firearm different from a repeating firearm?

A single shot firearm is fairly self explanatory. You fire one round, then the weapon must be reloaded with a new cartridge prior to being able to fire again. A repeating firearm gets a bit more complicated because of the incredible number of variants that fall into the category of "repeaters" but in a nutshell, if a firearm holds more than one cartridge, or can have multiple cylinders loaded (in the case of black powder revolvers) it is considered a repeater. If you can fire more than one round without having to reload the weapon, it "repeats" and is therefore a repeating firearm.

What are repeating guns?

A repeating firearm is one that can fire more than one shot before reloading. Repeaters usually store ammunition in a magazine or belt.

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The answer depends on what is repeating: 0.87777... is different from 0.878787...

Where is the safety located on a firearm?

Different places on different guns.

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No, because repeating decimals never stop repeating, so it would be impossible to have a different number that does not repeat.

How much does a singleshot 12 gauge cost?

Try and for a good look at what various guns are selling for. Singleshot shotguns can be quite economical, but some are rare and are much more expensive.

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When writing a repeating decimal as a fraction does the number of repeating digits you use matter Explain.?

Yes, of course. Different denominators in the rational equivalent give rise to different lengths of repeating strings.

Why is the symbol WRACO stamped over the serial nu?

The WRACO stamping indicates that your Winchester firearm was produced by Winchester Repeating Arms Company(WRACO).

When charged with illegal possession of firearms in Texas are charged for individual firearm?

Each firearm can be a different charge. 10 firearms means 10 different counts.