What condition is it in? Have you tried checking the auctions sites or doing a web search to find one similar to yours? Vale can run from 200-500. To load it you look at the butt of the rifle, there is a knob that you twist and pull. Look @1/2 way up the right side of the stock. Pull the plunger out until the hole is exposed. Insert ammunition nose first into the loading ramp. Put the plunger back into the butt and turn til it locks. Pull the bolt back and disengage the safety.
Model 24 is a semi-auto 22.
I just bought one for $200.00
Remington never made a model 22, a model 12 pump (1910), or a model 24 semi-auto (1925).
Remington Model 24 serial no#s were from 00001 to 130,425.Don't know what you mean by long spur and rifle model RW408700?
Manufactured 1927
Made 1926
Manufactured 1929.
The Remington Model 721 in .300 H&H was manufactured in 1948 with a 24" or 26" barrel.
Model 24's were made from 1922-1935. According to Remington's website, the serial number range of Model 24's is 00001 to 130425.
Your Remington model 24 was made from 1922-1935.Remington made 131,000 rifles during this time frame.While you do not specify what condition your rifle is in.The rifle is worth 400 dollars if it has 60%of its original finish remaining on the wood and metal and a good bore.If 70%,then 500.00,if 80%then 600.00