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Yes in fact I started out with high temperature then the morning sickness and everything happened after.

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Q: How high can your temperature be during early pregnancy?
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What test will determine pregnancy?

easy and fast - basal temperature during very early pregnancy - high basal temperature more than 8-9 days=pregnancy

What begins 14 days after conception?

You might feel nausea, breast tenderness, headache, high body temperature, etc. But a lot of women don't even have any symptoms that early in the pregnancy. It just depends on your body and the pregnancy.

How do you know if you are pregnant or just have the flu And it is to early for you to take a test but you feel very badly and want to take medicine just not sure what to take if you are pregnant?

Morning sickness is usually just nausea and vomiting. The flu involves a high temperature, diarrhoea and headaches. There are painkillers that are safe to take when you are pregnant, and if it is not labelled on the pack not to take during pregnancy, it is ok to take it. There are also early pregnancy tests available that will pick up a pregnancy quite early. You could try using one of those if you still think you might be pregnant.

What causes elevated liver enzymes during pregnancy?

HELLP syndrome is a condition during pregnancy that includes elevated liver enzymes.

Is high intensity light used during dental bonding procedures harmful in early pregnancy?

No, It can be damaging to the eyes. If you still worry about this ask your dentist or opticion he or she will know

Can Paxil taken during pregnancy cause high-functioning autism?

No, and taking Paxil during pregnancy can lead to birth defects and even death.

Ajinomoto products safe during pregnancy?

Try to avoid Ajnomoto during your pregnancy as it contains high amount of sodium which may increase your hypertension.

What is high risk drinking for woman?

Any alcohol at all during pregnancy is high risk.

Is UHT milk safe when pregnant?

Yes. You can safely drink the ultra high temperature milk is totally safe during pregnancy. There is loss of vitamins, but then proteins are very well preserved.

Can a person have 132c temperature during fever?

No; it is too high of a temperature.

Reasons for high maternal mortality rate in Nepal?

*Ignorance*Unsafe abortion*Unsafe delivery practice*Unwanted pregnancy*Early marriage & pregnancy

My BBT has remained high but you have light bleeding could you be pregnant?

Yes. The bleeding can be implantation bleeding, and there are also other 'normal' causes of light bleeding in early pregnancy - the key is that it is 'light' bleeding. Anything heavier could be a menstraul flow, which is not possible during pregnancy. Heavy bleeding during early pregnancy is not okay, and should be checked out immediately. Keep in mind, that sometimes BBT remains high for the first few days of AF, so a high BBT doesn't guarantee pregnancy. However, high BBT for 16 days or more past ovulation with no bleeding is fairly good indication of pregnancy (but still not guaranteed). For example, my luteal phase is 17 days long, and my BBT remains high until 3 days after AF, so many woman might read this 20 day elevation in BBT as pregnancy, when this happens to me naturally every month!