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Free enterprise promotes movement, contact with other cultures and the free flow of ideas (including political thought). It encourages individual investment and entrepreneurial exploration. While all of these activities contribute to the growth of democracy, they also contribute to the expansion and growth of diverse ideas that often conflict with democracy.

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Q: How has free enterprise helped the growth of democracy?
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What are the connections between democracy and the free enterprise system?

You might think capitalism equals free enterprise and so does democracy equal free enterprise. Captiialism is the methodology of big business. A democracy creates the space to practice free enterprise and then free enterprise fosters capitalism which is basic -ally "money making money", a specialty employed by big business, but democracy allows for any size business or individual to emulate big business and also to invest (and reinvest to "make money with money" and to no limit)

Who regulates free enterprise?

The 'market' regulates free enterprise, while a board of appointees regulates a college, or a group of elected officials regulates a democracy.

What form of government best supports free enterprise?

Capitalistic democracy, anarchy (?).

What are Three goals of the free enterprise system?

So-called free enterprise is concerned with making profits.

What are six goals of free enterprise?

Freedom, efficiency, equality, stability, security, growth.

The economy and free enterprise system are helped most by marketing products that are?

The economy and free enterprise system are helped tremendously by marketing products that are free trade and internationally manufactured. The revenue in most cases is greater. After taxation and ligation's, it returns to place of origin.

How did the free enterprise system affect the price of oil?

it did because Bob Eraser helped them.

Why is demoracy government good?

A democracy allows free enterprise, which means people can set up their own businesses and earn as much money as they want. The government will not play a role in the free enterprise system. A democracy also allows the people to vote on important government officials, mayors, senators, presidents, etc..

The economy and the free enterprise system are helped most by marketing products that are?

fairly safe NovaNet

How did the growth of population affect free enterprise in Texas 1850?

As more and more people moved to Texas, the need for goods and services grew. As a result, Texas businesses developed under the free enterprise system.

What are three characteristics of free enterprise?

-Private ownership of capital goods. -Encourages growth -And competition in the market place