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santa used to use donkeys to get around but now he uses magical raindeer aka fly and talking raindeer

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Q: How has Santa Claus changed over the years?
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Is Santa Claus over 1700 years old?

they suspect that santa claus is over 1700 years old. but I'm not positive.

How has Santa Claus changed over time?

he knows the everyday technology and his beard grew

Is Santa Claus got from the namesaint Nicholas?

yes over the years people had been saying his name faster and faster until the i in saint was eliminated and replaced by an a at the end of the word and the n i and h were deleted and out came Santa Claus

How long has Santa Claus done his job for?

Or over 30 centuries

What happens if you don't get your letter to santa Claus in time you have not had time to get to the mall yet Santa Claus in the mall?

well santa clause watches over you all year around and knows what you want for Christmas and the santa at the mall isn't the reall santa, sorry

When was Santa Claus invented?

The concept of Santa Claus was 'invented' after a real monk named Saint Nicholas. Over generations this image of Santa Claus has changed and evolved into the modern one we are familiar with. In different countries, the character holds different significance. Some believe that parents who put presents under the tree and tell there kids Santa brought them are showing a bad example for their kids. Others think it is just a source of fun for their kids and a nice tradition to look forward to.

How does Santa Claus come in Canada?

Yes, he goes all over the world.

How does Santa Claus get down the chimney By the way I do not believe in Santa Claus?

He picks up his sack and it makes him fly in the air then hovers him over the chimney then the chimney opens up and he slips down!

Why does Scott Calvin take over for Santa in the movie the Santa Claus?

because Santa fell off his roof and when Scott put on the suit he was Santa he was Santa because the real Santa was knocked out.

Does El Salvador believe in Santa Claus?

Santa Claus has a reputation as being remembered during Christmas time by children. Catholics believe that Santa Claus is a Saint names St. Nicholas. He is known all over the world but, very very important in many countries.

What is Mrs Claus' job or what does she do?

She provides the food for Santa Claus and maintains the home while he is gone. She also does spy missions and goes trick or treating. Not only that, but she also takes over if Santa Claus is sick during any Christmas.( That is a secret and never tell that to a kid because it will give them nightmares if Santa Claus was a woman for Christmas)-THE ANALYZATION IN FLERISK TOWN

What Philadelphia Eagles game in 1999 at the vet stadium did the fans boo santa Claus?

it happened 30 years or so BEFORE that at Franklin Field, can we please get over it..