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=Ict has changed our lives in many ways back a long time ago when computers didnt exist things were alot different if you worked at a shop you would have to use a calculator now you use a computer and that does all the work for you.Now a days you use ict in many jobs e.g. shops, telemarketing, police, firemen and nurses and doctors use ict. mostly in schoolsEven televisions are run by ict.=

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How does ict change the way people live?

e cool 34 god

How ICT has changed the way of communication?

It almost every day we communicate is through ICT now. Mobile phones, internet, MSN, fax, even normal house phones. Communication has become a lot shorter.

What is chart wizard in ict?

is a quicker way to make charts in ict

Is a microwave oven an ict tool?

a microwave oven is an ict tool as there are ict used in the production of it and in the way it works.

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it changed are lives

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How does the applications of ict improve the performance and efficiency of buisnesses in the world?

Today ICT is most important way to increase and develop our business, even we cannot do or improve our business without ICT. Because now ICT is everything, for example, TV, Computer, Robots and ect. Think another way how the companies make car how people communicate with each other, of course with technology, of course with computers. There are so many websites doing online business, on line sales, that is why ICT have more efficiency and profits for doing business.

Why do people shopping?

people shop mostly because of food or clothes. Others shop because they have money

How has the snowmobile changed the way people work play or feel?

It has changed the way people work by hauling objects through the snow, to pull people on the sled and it makes people feel good.

Who uses ICT?

Well there are a lot of people. Mostly schools and businesses. It is a much faster and efficient way of getting work done.

Who use spread sheets?

Buisnesspeople, magazines, teachers, kids in ICT lessons and people who want to set out data in an easy way.

How does McDonald's affect cultures?

Changed the way people eat and the way people are employed in different cultures.