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It's not as much about the sugar itself - it's about how much of it you eat. Sugar contains a lot of energy that your body can use, but if you don't use it up your body will turn it into fat and store it instead.

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Q: How fattening is white sugar?
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Does pizza make your butt bigger?

Yes pizza is very fattening and also with white bread that is pretty much just sugar.

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Most people believe that using "natural honey" is healthier than eating regular white sugar. Similarly, most people believe that eating "brown sugar" is healthierthan regular sugar. The truth is that your body reacts to honey (and brown sugar) the same way it reacts to normal sugar --- and honey is simply a different from of sugar which comes from a different source. Honey is just as fattening as sugar, there is almost no difference. Also, brown sugar is just as fattening as white sugar. In fact, the main difference between the two is that brown sugar has a few more vitamins and minerals than regular sugar does, but other than that it's just as fattening. Did you know that the main difference between commercial sugar and a naturally growing "sugar cane" is merely a few vitamins and minerals? Health food stores can legally tell you that "natural honey" and "brown sugar" are healthier than sugar because they have "vitamins and minerals" in them, whereas refined sugar does not. Eating a few more vitamins inside your sugar does not make it less fattening, just like eating a chocolate bar with a vitamin pill won't make the chocolate bar any less fattening.

Why is liquor fattening?

Because it contains sugar, and our bodies convert excess sugar into fat.

Is white wine or champage more fattening?

Wine isn't fattening although it contains calories (about the same number as in grape juice).

Is the fruit Paw paw fattening?

The Pawpaw fruit is a tropical fruit that has the taste of a mix between a banana, a mango, and a pineapple. The fruit is not fattening.

Why is chocolate fattening?

Most chocolates have a fair bit of sugar and fat - cocoa butter - in them. These ingredients are fattening if eaten too much/too often

Are bolled eggs fattning?

the white of a boiled egg is not fattening and almost pure protein. However, The yoke of an egg is fattening and boiled eggs can be fattening if you put a lot of mayonnaise and salt on it.

Will a person get fat if they eat a low fat high sugar diet?

Yes. Sugar is fattening, therefore you can gain weight.

Are cookies fattening?

It depends on the cookies... cookies in general are usaully fattening though there are some diet cookies. Also its good to have a cookie once and a while for your sugar levels.

How is sugar used in your bodies?

Your body needs sugar or else you will get skin cancer . Sugar is sometimes fattening but at least 1 week drink a drink that has sugar to prevent cancer

Are oranges fattening?

Almost anything other than water is fattening if you eat enough of it, but it would be very difficult to eat enough oranges for them to be fattening. There are only about 80 calories in an orange, and no fat. But they do contain a lot of sugar, fructose to be exact.

Why are brownies so fattening?

Brownies are made of chocolate, which happens to be high in sugar, a fattening element. The ingredients in a typical brownie recipe from scratch would include ¾ cup of unsalted butter (1 + 1/2 sticks) and 2 cups of sugar.