It might take a little bit of while before you can even feel a thing
It is unlikely that you would be having pregnancy symptoms a week and a half before your expected period because that would be only a few days after concieving.
== == You might mistake frequent urination or slightly worse eyesight for pregnancy, but those are symptoms that usually start after you've already missed your period, which would be one of the first signs of pregnancy. As far as I have always known (being a diabetic), I have never had any symptoms of being pregnant.
You don't need to have symptoms to be pregnant. Some people don't get symptoms for weeks. You're definitely pregnant. i would go to the doctor and get it checked
Implantation is only just taking place so symptoms are unlikely.
If you are feeling movement in your belly, it is much more likely to be gas. You would not have a negative pregnancy test at the point in a pregnancy when you'd feel fetal movement. You should look for another explanation for your "pregnancy symptoms."
Being anemic would make no difference to either pregnancy tests or pregnancy symptoms.
No, but, it would be called an "Ectopic pregnancy". It is usually diagnosed within the first 2 months of pregnancy, possibly before you know you are pregnant. The symptoms may be mild or they may be severe and dangerous. They can be the same as the symptoms of early pregnancy or other less serious conditions. Possible symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy are: 1. missed period or abnormal bleeding 2. pain in the lower abdomen or pelvis 3. symptoms of pregnancy such as breast tenderness or morning sickness.
you should take a pregnancy test from a drug store...i don't really understand why you are having symptoms when you are menstrating....yeah ultra sound is unessasary for this problem,lets faceit,that would be a bit embarassing
Not a lot of women are pregnant and experience no pregnancy symptoms. But I would say about 2 months into the pregnancy and beyond they should experience pregnancy symptoms and a LOT of women experience symptoms a few days after conception.
Probably just gas. If your were pregnant you would feel a babys movement around 18 to 20 week.
Breasts becoming smaller and less sore are not pregnancy symptoms but having a late or missed period is. I would recommend that you take a pregnancy test to be sure so if you are pregnant you can get started on prenatal care as soon as possible.
It can be, but that alone doesn't sound like someone who's pregnant. You would probably have other symptoms and you would miss your period.