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It all is based on the weight of the person, and the age, and how they eat, and how their body is built. I am currently going through this disorder, and the weight drops FAST - at first, that is. I was 160 pounds, and stopped eating. In 3 and a half weeks I was down to 125. 35 pounds is a HUGE weight drop. In two more weeks i was down to 112. That was not such a huge drop (only a 12 pounds). Now its been about a week and i am only at 109. It gets harder and harder to lose the weight because your body doesnt want to have to eat you, but it does. It takes a long time to lose the weight after the first month. But that is if you eat LITERALLY nothing and don't work out. Working out adds muscle weight, which weights more. Your body can go into intense shock or cardiac arrest from dropping the weight so fast.

The way that you can tell that eating disorders are NOT a healthy way to lose weight is by reading up on healthy ways to lose weight. Most supplements and work out schedules say things like "Lose 10 pounds in two months!" When people with eating disorders lose that much in just a few days. That is a clear way of getting your brain to see that it is NOT okay to lose weight that way.

I do not recommend ever doing this to lose weight. Its addicting. We call it "The Monster". It is there tempting you, whether you have dealt with it or not. The second you decide to give in and think "I Can Handle Not Eating For Just For a Few Days", you are immediately stuck. Eating disorders are literally gripping diseases that hold on TIGHT. It takes years to recover, and sometimes a life time. The healthiest way to lose weight would be to eat a lesser amount of only healthy food, and do some morning and night work outs.

*Good quick-weight loss work-outs: Every morning and every night do 50 sit ups, 25 jumping jacks, 15 crunches, 20 leg lifts (each leg), and 20 lunges.

*Good quick weight-loss diet:

-Breakfast: (grains and fruit) one piece of toast and half an apple.

-Lunch: (vegetables and light meat) Some sort of vegetables with thin sliced turkey.

-Dinner: (meat or carbs) Small portion of pasta or steak, with vegetables.

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Q: How fast do you lose weight from anorexic?
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Healthy diet & exercise

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They are self conscious about their weight, and they will do anything to lose the weight. Anorexia is dangerous and people have even died of it.

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Too much. Enough that you can die--like my friend.

Do anorexic people lose thigh weight?

Yes, it takes longer then stomach fat, but yes

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Bulimia will not help you lose weight.Only healthy eating and exercise will do that.You can lose weight being Bulimic but it will happen much slower then an anorexic. Also most of what you lose is water weight not actual weight. It depends on what kind of bulimic you are as well.

I am 5'6 and weighs 133 pounds and do no activities what do i need to eat to lose weight?

You're anorexic. I have an idea, work on your self esteem, not your weight.

I am a 5'5 and 111 lb female how much weight could I lose and still be healthy?

You are already UNDERWEIGHT, for your height, so do not lose any more weight because you will look anorexic.

How do you be a healthy anorexic?

You can never be a healthy anorexic. Your thoughts and motivation are the key part of anorexia. Anorexics are obsessed with food and exercise, and never think they are thin enough. If you want to lose weight, a healthy diet and plenty of exercise are necessary. Anorexia may help you lose weight fast, but much of that will be muscle and water. One way to lose fat faster is a CR (calorie restricted) diet. Basically, it means getting the most vitamins and nutrients out of your food with the least calories.

How much weight would an anorexic person that weighs 210 pounds lose in the starting month of her anorexia?

Well it really depends on how they diet. If they go on a fast, they may lose 5 or 6 lbs a week, so just times that by four. It varies with people, you know? Some peoples bodies will lose weight faster than others.