Can not be answered without knowing how heavy the pellet is, how fast it will be leaving the muzzle, pellet shape, location where it will be shot.
Manufactures never state "How Far" a pellet will travel. They just say several thousand yards or something like that to cover themselves. It really depends on the power plant in the air gun and the weight of the pellet. (YES pellets come in different weights) obviously a lightweight pellet will travel farther than a heavy pellet. But a Heavy pellet will fly straighter and have more knock down impact than a lightweight pellet. Wind, altitude and angle all have an effect on length of shot.
I think you mean pellet gun. That is a gun that fires a small lead pellet but does not use gun powder. It uses compressed air or compressed gasses to push the pellet.
No. A pellet gun would use compressed air.
It can be referred to as a pellet gun or air gun.
No it should not. Are you sure the air gun is a .22 caliber not a .25 caliber. Air you loading it right? Are you loading it through the breech? You are using an air gun not a real gun.
Colt makes a 1911-A1 Pellet gun made by Umarex. I know of no BB gun unless you are asking about an Air Soft gun. The Pellet gun is very good. I can not answer about an Air soft gun.
Actually a BB gun is an air gun. But an air gun also includes pellet guns and rifles. BB guns are the bottom end of the air gun family. Pellet guns are more accurate than BB guns and they usually cost more.
Air Soft guns are not designed to fire Pellets. The shape is just wrong but there are steel BB in the 6mm size avalable. But because they are heaver than plastic they fire or travel slower. If the Air Soft gun is not designed to use them they may actually ruin or break the air gun.
Air rifles use compressed air or C02 to propel the BB or pellet. They do not use gunpowder. Their is no bullet shell and bullet just the BB or pellet.
Not necessarily, but similar. An air rifle can be a BB gun, or it can be a pellet gun. Pellet guns are rifled, have more power, greater accuracy. .
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