Depends on a lot of factors, such as your body fat content and weight, how often you smoke, and how much you expercise. THC is stored in the fat metabolies inside your body. Therefore if you are a heavy person that doesnt really exercise that much than it can last a long time in your system. However, if you are skinny with little body fat and you exercise regularly than it will be out of your system much faster. If you smoked one time, than chances are it wont last that long in your system. A good general rule of thumb is 30 days. If you want to get it out faster, than I suggest you run and sweat as much as possible and drink lots of fluids but not too much as this can be harmful to your health. I do not recommend taking Niacin or excessive amounts of azos, this too can be a health hazard and I don't think it really makes a difference. However, you can try a natural detox method, such as detox tea (YOGI teas makes a good one). Do not exceed the recommended amount!! Usually no more than 3 tea bags a day. Also, detox teas can be hard on your system, even though it is good for people to detox for various reasons as simple as removing toxins from your body. Detox tea personally makes my insides hurt. Go to a CVS/rite-aid type of store and buy a drug test and test yourself to make sure that it worked before you have to take a test for someone else. If you fail you can always say that you just took ibuprofen which turns up a false positive for THC in urine tests.
Marijuana can be detected in saliva for up to 30 days.
Yes, marijuana is detected in your blood stream system.
30 days.
20 minutes later
if you're implying marijuana, yes, it can be detected in a urinalysis.
2 years....
yes,but if you gargle proxide it should work
two weeks it depens
marijuana? yes.
marijuana normally can be detected up to 28 days after smoking or eating but beware if your getting a hair folicle drug test these can go back as far as 6 months