iChat is serviced by AOL Aim services, so it would be the same as everyone else's AIM programs, but I don't know if it supports text messages.
Just click chat and type in your message and then click send.Just click chat and type in your message and then click send.
wubu2 = What u been up 2 Most people use this slang in a text message and on the Internet in a conversation (e.g Windows Live Messenger, Messenger FX, ect.)It is internet shortform for "What you been up to?"
people text message just for fun! you can also text message to share news or just for a conversation.
is it free to text message 85233
how do I forward a text message to my email address
any where in the WORLD!!!!!!!!!
Click the "Feedback" button and it will bring you to a page where you can type a message.
Well, first who is Zac? Second u can not ichat. You can video chat, text chat, share screens, and call
Persons can use Yahoo Messenger to send a text message on a computer. Log in to Yahoo . Enter Yahoo Messenger, and click "Actions" and then click "Send an SMS Message". Choose a contact and click "Ok".
Just click chat and type in your message and then click send.Just click chat and type in your message and then click send.
You don't need to. Use SMS messaging to text your phone, or have someone else do it. Your phone will receive a text message from Yahoo Messenger with instructions on how to continue receiving messages from them. Follow those instructions, and you can now text with your friend's phones via Yahoo Messenger, or vice versa!
Yes. Just put the number you want to send a text to into the SMS Box at the top of Messenger, then select the option to send SMS Message. The person will get the message from a weird looking number. They can save that number, and use it to send a text message to your yahoo username at any time.
It could have lots of meanings - depending on the rest of the message... one possibility could be 'because'.
Buy an Ipod touch, as long as you have internet connection you just have to download an app for free. Or you could send a text message to people on Yahoo Messenger
The directions to use the text messenger toy with the ID are quite simple to follow. A person must connect to the I/R chat mode and type using the QWERTY keyboard. Other users must be in the area to receive the message.
He sent her a text message to apologise.I had a text message from an unknown number.
yes when your on an instant messenger have the person u want to message IM you first then you have there number for the instant messenger if your on a cell phone if your on a PC then go into add mobile contacts and type the persons number in and start IMing im doing it as i type this