

Best Answer

1 mile.

That is very very complicated, the fireball alone of a 10 megaton bomb is 3 miles in diameter, anything inside that is vaporized, burns from such a bomb go way out. It will depend on:

  • yield
  • burst height/depth
  • thermal flash
  • flying debris
  • falling debris
  • secondary fires
  • firestorm
  • overcast and/or smoke at time of burst
  • type and color of cloths worn (dark colors will cause skin burns or even ignite)
  • fallout distribution from wind and weather
  • fallout type (beta emitters will cause burns on any skin they come within about 1/2 inch of)
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Q: How far away from a nuclear bomb do you have to be to not get burned?
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How far could you protect yourself nuclear bomb?

You wouldn't be able to protect yourself, because you will instantly die if a nuclear bomb is dropped, as it is so powerful!

How far will a nuclear bomb reach when it explodes?

That depends on yield and burst height/depth.

How far does a nuclear bomb blow?

well it depends on which kind of nuclear bomb try this iyou select a bomb type and then click nuke it and it rough ly shows how much damage the specific bomb would inflict.

How far can a nuclear bomb travel?

A gravity dropped nuclear bomb could fall several tens of thousands of feet from bomber to detonation. A ballistic missile's warhead could travel tens of thousands of miles from launch site to detonation.

How are nuclear weapons destroyed?

The only way that how are nuclear weapons are destroyed that these anti-nuclear working group stay together and work together to get these powerful nuclear weapons destroyed. It's possible to destroy nuclear weapons but it is a very hard and dangerous job. Want to know how nuclear weapons are destroyed? These people work as a team by staying together, they also disable nuclear missile launching systems to prevent the nuclear weapons from being launched. They work very carefully to make sure that the nuclear weapon cannot make wide explosions. They destroy the missile very carefully so that the missile cannot make very huge nuke explosion. They also stop nuclear bombs from being dropped by making sure that the bomb is destroyed but they have to place something to destroy the nuclear bomb and they must be very careful because nuclear missiles and nuclear bombs are very powerful. There should be a time bomb to destroy these weapons and don't let these weapons create big explosions. If there is then they place the time bomb on nuclear weapon, they also have to move very far away from the weapon to make sure that they are safe and can't get killed. To destroy nuclear weapons, these nukes have to be sent very far away from the city or from the town so people can't get killed by the nukes.

Related questions

What would be the damage if a nuclear bomb went off?

That will depend on the size of the bomb, how far above ground it explodes, and how far away it is from you.

When was there a nuclear bomb on mars?

Never, as far as we know.

How far could you protect yourself nuclear bomb?

You wouldn't be able to protect yourself, because you will instantly die if a nuclear bomb is dropped, as it is so powerful!

How far away do you have to be to not get burned by the sun?

I'll say about 100 feet away. Or more then 100 to get away from the sun to not get burned.

How far can a nuclear bomb go?

It can't go any where it can travel in an aeroplane.

Is a lahar the same power as a nuclear bomb?

No. A lahar carries far less power than a nuclear bomb. However, large explosive eruptions, which can lead to lahars, can be as strong as or stronger than a nuclear explosion.

How far will a nuclear bomb reach when it explodes?

That depends on yield and burst height/depth.

What is the hbomb?

A hydrogen bomb is, by far, the most destructive weapon that mankind has ever invented. It is the most powerful type of nuclear bomb.

How can you survive a nuclear blast?

only by being far far away

How far does a nuclear bomb blow?

well it depends on which kind of nuclear bomb try this iyou select a bomb type and then click nuke it and it rough ly shows how much damage the specific bomb would inflict.

How do you survive atomic bombs?

In reality, the only hope is to be far away from the point of detonation. Being in a very strong structure or deep underground can help somewhat, but in the end, it all depends on how far away from where the bomb detonated you are. If you were standing outside when the bomb detonated, then: For a bomb the size of Hiroshima (10-20kT), you need to be at least 1 mile away to have a 50% chance of survival. For a typical modern advanced nuclear weapon (300-500kT yield), you would need to be at least 5 miles away to have a 50% chance of survival.

What effects of exploding of bomb have on the plane?

None, the airplane had already been far away when the bomb detonated.