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Texas seems to perform abortions until the 24th week. However different clinics may have different policies.

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Q: How far along in pregnancy is too late to terminate the fetus in Texas?
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No. It will not terminate the pregnancy. It could however cause birth defects in the fetus and cause you more problems. If you wish to terminate a pregnancy, do it the most responsible way with a doctor's help and an abortion. Otherwise, simply have the child.

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One can tell how far along they are in pregnancy by having an ultrasound. An ultrasound measures the fetus and then compare that measurement to what an average fetus is. If it matches to a 3 week fetus it means that one is 3 weeks into pregnancy.

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There is no true variance in the Male or Female fetus. Depending on how far along in the pregnancy, the heartbeat should be anywhere from 110 to 170 BPM.

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Will drinking alcohol one day of pregnancy terminate the pregnancy?

No but it will cause damage to the fetus who will not grow correctly and be born with fetal alcohol syndrome.

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The eyelashes of a fetus develop around week 22 of pregnancy.

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the 21st week