It depends on how far along you were on your pregnancy
For a induced miscarriage aka abortion you have to see a doctor and he will give you a surgical or medical abortion depending on your health and how far along you are.
Depends on how far along you are I was only about a month along when I miscarried and I only bled for 4 days
It depends on how far along you were when you miscarried. Typically 6-8wks.
You can miscarry before you even know your pregnant and just think it's a late period
Not all miscarriages require a dilation and curettage, it depends on how far along in the pregnancy you were. You should schedule an exam with your doctor after a miscarriage to make sure you do not need one.
Sometimes, it depends on how far along you are. I had a previous miscarriage and I was able to see the baby in the amniotic sac. My sister-in-law had a miscarriage, and she was able to see a very small perfect little baby. So, yes, it is possible to see the baby.l
Yes. Sometimes the doctor can give you medication to induce cramps so the embryo comes out. It depends on how far along you are and if something has come out already or not. Always consult a doctor if you suspect a miscarriage.
you can have a miscarriage all the way to birth.
I would say only 3-4 weeks.
depends how far along you are. could mean miscarriage or that the baby's coming. Or you did it too rough tell him to lighten up
No miscarriage as far as public records go. If they did, it is a well-kept secret.