Very generally speaking, a .22LR can travel more than a mile, but with accuracy, most people can shoot out to 300 or 400 yards with one when using a rifle, however some people are accurate further than that.
Probabably 22LR. Have it checked by a gunsmith.
Mosin nagant
some shoot far and some dont so they all dont shoot the same length
No. It is a 22LR semiauto, and needs 22 LR ammo to cycle the action.
IF the revolver is marked ".22 LR" yes. If it is marked ".22 WMR" or .22 Mag" or " .22 WRF", then NO.
No. They are totally different size and shape cartridges. 22LR si rimfire, 22 Hornet is a centerfire.
Very far
Type of action has nothing to do with how far a weapon will shoot. Caliber and load is what matters.
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