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I'm going to take a nerd approach here...assuming that the Birth Control pill when used as directed is 97% effective and a condom when used entirely correct is 96% effective then here's what we have: A 3% chance of pregnancy with the pill and a 4% chance with a condom. Now when used in conjunction with one another we have the probability of A intersection with B (A = pill, B = condom) since these two events are independent of one another. Therefore to determine the likelihood of event A or B happening or both events occurring we would simply multiply P(A) X P(B), yielding 0.0012 or 0.12% chance of pregnancy given both are used correctly, as directed, and in conjunction with one another. So, if you have sex using the aforementioned method with no pregnancies 832 times...I'd be careful about one more night of passion b/c the law of probability says that girl is gonna get prego!! Hope this helps and makes it a little easier to understand.

Your chances of getting pregnant would be very close to 0%. An additional benefit of using birth control and a condom is that you also have a very close to 0% chance of conracting an STD, too.

Chances are low. I think the number was something like .01%. Depending on the use of the condom; if it breaks, has a hole, is degraded, if he puts it on backwards and flips it over again. And if the birth control is used on time, every day, (except period days) and that sex is not on your period.

The chance is always there....but you are being a very careful and the chances are very very slim

99.8% possible


With birth control, there is a .3% chance you can get preggo.

With Condoms there is a .03% Chance, so pretty much if your using both, you cover the risks, there is pretty much no chance it would probably happen to about 1 of 1,000,000,000,000,000 people.

So if your really unlucky, wait till your married or something

You're on BC. Good. You used a condom. Nice. He didn't ejaculate. Well, that pretty much clinches it, then. Ya'think? I would say that the only thing more foolproof than what you did is total abstinence.

Also, there are, like, a BILLION questions similar to yours on this site. Perhaps you should read them.

I would give you a 1% chance of becoming pregnant in that scenario.

Condoms are about 97% effective against pregnancy, when used correctly.

Birth Control, It depends, If your taking it right then that's about 98% Effective.

So like, the chances of you gettin pregnant would be around 0.03% if I did it correctly, the chances are really grim so don't worry. Yes it is possible, but highly unlikely.

Have fun, and Play safe ;)

~ Brandon

Yes it is possible.

It is pretty unlikely considering that birth control is about 97% effective and condoms are like 94%, but nothing is 100% effective except for abstinence. My parents conceived my youngest sister using the pill and condoms.

still only 99%

The chances of getting the girl pregnant are close to none. If the girl is taking the pill at the same time every day, the chance is less than 1%.

Very very unlikely you will fall pregnant.

There is always a chance because birth control is not 100% effective however, the precautionary methods you have taken - you should be just fine.


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Q: How effective is birth control and condoms?
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There are several birth control methods out there. However, the only 100% effective method is abstainance, as condoms can have holes in them, he might not pull out in time, and pills don't always work.

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The only 100% effective means is abstinence- not to have sex. Surgical sterilization, such as removal of the uterus is also highly effective. All common means of birth control such as condoms, birth control pills, IUDs, withdrawal, rhythm method CAN fail in some percentage of cases.

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Birth control suppositories are one of the least effective methods to begin with. Withdrawal is more effective than spermicide used alone. Consider getting some condoms and throwing out the expired suppositories.

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Condoms alone are 85-98% effective by themselves. The birth control pill is 92-99.7% effective. If you are using both properly the chances of conceiving are slim to none. Keep in mind nothing is ever 100% effective (except abstinence)

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Condoms are 99% effective but all it takes is that 1% or it breaks and you're pregnant! The best combination is condoms and birth control pills.

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Birth control only protects against pregnancy. Condoms protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

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No- the only 100% effective method, unfortunately, is abstinence. Combining birth control pills/condoms/spermicide would *greatly* reduce the chance of getting pregnant, but there's still a small chance you could.

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Most birth control methods are very effective, but there is always a very slim chance of getting pregnant. For example, condoms can break, and the pills effectiveness can be lowered when taking antibiotics.