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They try to mooch your drugs.

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Q: How drugs affect friends?
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Related questions

How does buying drugs affect your money issues?

It loses you friends, makes you poor, and gets you arrested.

Society role models your friends and economic situations are all examples of that can affect your decisions about drugs.?

External influences

If a person's friends use drugs and he or she is not more likely to use drugs than if his or her friends do not use drugs?


How do drugs affect your body and mind?

Drugs kill your happiness,self-wroth,and dignity. Drugs can kill your body. Drugs kill your brain cells,wich effects your memory. Drugs can kill your relationships with your family, friends,ect. Drugs can kill everything good about a person.

How do drugs effect your friends?

as far as i know drugs can affect anyone anywhere and anytime they arent the best method for using unless they are perscribed or you seriously need them for health purposes . im glad i helped:0

What is the difference between inotropic and chronotropic drugs?

Inotropic drugs affect the force of contraction. Chronotropic affect the rate of contraction.

What drugs affect sport performance?

ALL DRUGS will affect your performance in some sort of way.

Can you be arrested for drugs if your at a friends house and don't have drugs on you aren't under the influence and the police ome in and find drugs in the friends house?

arrested yes convicted no.

Do friends influence the use of illegal drugs?

Friends can influence the use of illegal drugs through peer pressure, normalization of drug use within the social circle, and availability of drugs through friends. It's important to choose friends who support healthy behaviors and to avoid situations where drug use is encouraged.

What drugs affect your life?

only the re-creational drugs affect your life. meaning the bad ones. good drugs such as medicines, help you when your sick.

How do drugs effects your body?

Drugs are very DANGEROUS !!!! Drugs affecst your body and by making you your family and friends. They also make you go high (like crazy) and make you sleepy and they also fry your brain (make your brain not work) .And you will have a shorter life span. This is how drugs affect your body. P.S. DON'T TAKE DRUGS THAY ARE NOT GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How does drugs affect your sport?

Drugs slower the nervous system.