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Because apparenty you can still have period if your hymen compleley covers the opening? i think mine does but i have heavy periods with like bloodclots and that..??

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8mo ago

The hymen is a thin membrane that partially covers the vaginal opening and does not completely block the flow of menstrual blood. Menstrual blood can still pass through the hymen and out of the body during a period.

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Q: How does your period happen if you still have a hymen?
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Do you still have a hymen if you've already started your period?

Yes. The hymen is a flap of skin over the vagina that is broken from either extreme force, or sexual penetration. Also, a tampon should not break your hymen.

What will happen to the hymen during menstrual flow?

Nothing will happen to the hymen during menstrual flow, flow has no impact on the hymen at all. The hymen is just tissue that surrounds the vaginal opening, it has nothing to do with menstruation.

Can your hymen break before 2 days of period?

yes your hymen can break before 2 days of period

What are hymen's?

a hymen is the thin layer of skin that covers your vagina, and when something is inserted into your vagina, such as a tampon or even a penis, that thin layer of skin rips or tears. It can be painful when your hymen tears, but the only bad thing that can happen is that you bleed a little bit just like you would at the end of your period.

Can breaking your hymen affect your period?

No, 'breaking' your hymen cannot impact on your period at all.Your hymen is tissue that surrounds the opening to the vagina, it cannot be broken but can be torn. Your period is controlled by the menstrual cycle is a domino effect of hormonal changes within the reproductive organs, the hymen has absolutely nothing at all to do with your menstrual cycle.

What does come out of hymen other then period?

The hymen is tissue that surrounds the opening to the vagina, nothing comes out of the hymen - it comes out of the vagia, past the hymen. What comes out of your vagina can be menstrual flow, discharge, and of course a baby.

Does beakage of hymen change the period dates?

No. It will not affect your body's schedule as far as your period go. However, if your hymen was broken during unprotected sex, and you are pregnant because of this, then you can expect to miss your period for the next 9 months ;)

Will you get your period after having your cherry popped?

You don't have a cherry and nother pops, this is a ridiculous term used by children which is also grossly inaccurate - this refers to the hymen tearing, but the hymen doesn't always tear as it is flexible so can allow vaginal penetration while remaining in tact. The hymen tearing has absolutely nothing to do with menstruation, when you get your period depends on your menstrual cycle - asking if your period will start after tearing the hymen is like asking if your period will start after scraping your knee!

If the hymen doesn't break will you be able to have a baby?

You can still get pregnant without your hymen being broken. The hymen is just a piece of skin - it doesn't prevent pregnancy

Is it normal for your period to be late after your hymen is broken?

Of Course it is! No need to sweat. When you first get your period, Your hormones are still out of whack. So It can be early or late for a little bit. But Once you have had your period for a bit longer, It will level out and will continue as regular.Have fun with your period!Love,Girlwhoknows

How do you know whether you still have a hymen or not?

Simple: LOOK!The hymen is tissue that surrounds the opening to the vagina, the hymen doesn't just vanish into thin air so if you had a hymen then it will still be there even if it isn't in tact any more. If unsure what to look for then there are plenty of sexual health books and web sites to show you.

Does hymen break cause change in period dates?

Generally, hymen break will not cause change in period dates. However, a woman's cycle will keep changing quite often even due to change of climate.