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Everything that goes in your body goes through your liver. If you have alot of fat in your liver you cant lose weight.

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Q: How does the health of your liver affect weight gain?
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Can beer help you gain weight and if so, what are the potential effects on your body?

Yes, beer can contribute to weight gain due to its high calorie content. Excessive beer consumption can lead to weight gain, increased risk of obesity, liver damage, and other health issues. It is important to consume alcohol in moderation to maintain a healthy weight and overall well-being.

Fatty replacement of the liver?

Healthy liver cells can be invaded and replaced with fat, making the liver overall more unhealthy. This can result in weight gain.

Is it possible to gain 7 kg in 3 weeks and if so then how?

If you are trying to acheive weight gain , go and see a weight lifting and health store they will have what you need . do not try eating high sugar and high fat foods to gain your liver will not be happy and you can cause damage .

How do substances you take in and those around us affect your health?

Our liver is responsible for processing all of the toxins we are exposed to whether from foods or the environment. Over time our liver function is compromised by the constant attack on our bodies from these toxins. If we do not take care to detoxify and rid ourselves of these harmful elements our health can be negatively affected. Weight gain, inflammation, constipation, acne and even allergies are all body signals that the liver has a toxic overload. Drinking plenty of water and simple treatments like a weekly Castor Oil Pack can improve liver function.

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Weight gain and health problems

How does lacked of exercise affect your weight?

If calories consumed (eaten) are more than calories burned (through exercise), then this energy will be stored as sugar in the liver and fat on the body. So a lack of exercise in comparison with calories eaten will result in weight gain.

Does poor digestion cause weight gain?

Poor digestion can contribute to weight gain because it can affect the body's ability to properly absorb nutrients and regulate metabolism, leading to potential weight gain.

Does reflexology affect height?

Reflexology does not affect height but could affect weight. Reflexology can release toxins that have built up in the body which might affect weight gain or loss.

Is it bad to keep losing weight and gaining weight?

yes it is bad. Yo-yo dieting can seriously affect your health and can actually make you gain back more fat you had before, when you gain the weight back. Try losing one to two pounds a week if your looking to lose weight other wise try to maintain your average.

Does gooseberry juice help in weight loss?

Gooseberry juice is good for the liver. It helps flush out toxins and can eliminate water weight and water weight gain.

Does smoking affect weight gain?

Smoking tends to suppress appetites and cause you to lose weight.