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The Rh factor is a protein found in red blood cells. Most people are Rh positive, but if a woman is pregnant and Rh negative, this could definitely affect her fetus causing brain damage, or even death in the fetus or newborn.

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Q: How does the RH factor affect a woman who is pregnant?
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What Rh factor combinations could cause agglutination of an infant's red blood cells?

A baby's Rh type is inherited from the parents. A pregnant woman is at risk of problems with Rh sensitization if she is Rh-negative and the father of her baby is Rh-positive.

How the Rh factor can be a problem between a man and women who would like to have children?

The Rh factor can be a problem when a woman is pregnant and does NOT have the Rh factor (negative) and her unborn baby does have the Rh factor (positive). Her body will have antibodies against the Rh protein found on the baby's blood cells and will seek to destroy it. This occurs when the baby's father is Rh positive. This situation creates the situation where the baby could also be Rh positive. The symptoms of problems in the baby include swelling, jaundice, fluid in the lungs, heart or abdomen and an enlarged liver or spleen. See the source article for more information.

How does Rh factor affect a fetus?

When a mother is Rh negative and her baby is Rh positive, she may develop antibodies to the baby's blood that will cause it to hemolyze

What is the influence of Rh factor on babies?

Do you mean how can they affect babies or how can they affect the baby's blood type?

What creates Rh disease?

If an Rh negative woman is pregnant with an Rh positive fetus, her body will produce antibodies against the fetus's blood, causing a disease known as Rh disease

What happen when a pregnant rh- woman delivers a rh plus baby?

The Rh factor is associated with issues in pregnancies. Rh- (Rh- negative) people do not automatically carry anti- Rh antibodies but the immune system will manufacture them if exposed to Rh+ blood. If the Rh- negative mother has not been exposed to Rh+ blood the first pregnancy will progress without complications. However upon delivering her first child the severing of the placenta from the uterus will expose the Rh- negative mother to the Rh+ blood stimulating the production of Rh+ antibodies. If the Rh- woman becomes pregnant with another Rh+ child her antibodies will traverse the placenta and obliterate the infants erythrocytes (RBCs). The baby will develop a condition known as erythroblastosis fetalis which may result in death if untreated prior to birth.

Does the rhesus factor affect the health of the individuals who has it?

It does not usually cause problems. It is an issue with blood transfusions and in tissue transplantation. The common place for it to be an issue is if an Rh negative mother has an Rh positive child. Some fetal blood mixes with the mother's and so she can make antibodies tot he Rh factor. If a later pregnancy is also Rh positive then the antibodies will kill that fetus. Doctors give Rhogam to Rh negative pregnant women in order to keep this from happening.

Do only women have to be concerned with the Rh factor?

No, both men and women should be concerned with the Rh factor. The Rh factor is a protein found on red blood cells, and it can cause complications during pregnancy if a woman is Rh-negative and her partner is Rh-positive. It is important for both partners to be aware of their Rh status to prevent such complications.

How did the discovery of the rhesus factor affect society?

Rh factor is also called "Rhesus factor" because it was first discovered in the blood.

Can Rh antibodies of Rh- be detected?

A person who is Rh negative may have antibodies if he or she has been exposed in the past to Rh positive blood. Rhogam will prevent this sensitization in a pregnant woman with negative blood carrying an Rh positive baby.

Rh positive mother a positive baby?

If a person has the Rh factor, then they are positive. If they don't have the Rh factor, they are negative. The Rh factor is dominant, so a mother with it would have an Rh positive baby even if the father is negative for the Rh factor.

Are there blood type tests that are recommended before conception?

An Rh factor test is recommended. A mother who becomes pregnant by a father that has a different Rh factor runs the risk of the fetus having an Rh factor that differs from her own. This can cause compatibility problems that can effect the unborn child and the health of the mother.