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It may begin to make you sick. Weed lowers the white blood cell count in your body and you immune gets lowered and try to eat it smoking and coughing can stress out your body

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Q: How does smoking pot affect Botox use?
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Does smoking pot make you laugh?

Yes and it is fun so enjoy it while the hilariousness lasts. ;) No, smoking pot is bad for you and it kills 7 minutes of your life each time you use it! I learned this in Health class.

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pot related , i smoke once everyday and when im out of pot i dont care, i go for days without smoking and days without not smoking and i would call my a habitual drug user

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No, Botox is not a steroid. Botox is a neurotoxin that is used for both medical and cosmetic purposes.

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Have you tested it for drug use? I think it might have been smoking pot or something.

Use of botox in hemiplegia spasm?

I am an ortho/neuro RN and have seen Intramuscular injections of botox given for this reason. Botox ofcourse causes muscle paralysis.

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we can use Mestinon and apoclonidin

What is antidote for BOTOX?

we can use Mestinon and apoclonidin

Does pot make you laugh?

Yes and it is fun so enjoy it while the hilariousness lasts. ;) No, smoking pot is bad for you and it kills 7 minutes of your life each time you use it! I learned this in Health class.

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Can you die of botox?

Over 20 years and millions of patients, there has not been a single death attributable directly to the use of cosmetic Botox.