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One reason is that it affects the quality of oxygen reaching the baby. Another is that smoking is generally an indicator of poorer health and dietary habits. I'm sure there are others, but essentially whatever you pit into your body whilst pregnant goes the the foetus. Food, drink, drugs, smoke...

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Q: How does smoking lead to low birth weight?
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Related questions

Which of the following has been linked to maternal smoking?

Low birth weight has been linked to smoking while pregnant.

What can smoking during pregnancy result in?

Answer: Smoking can cause a baby to be born prematurely and with a low birth weight, respiratory diseases, and other illnesses. Low birth weight is a major cause of death in infants.

How can smoking affect pregnancy?

Birth defects, low birth weight, premature labor, and the baby being addicted to nicotine after birth.

What are health consequences of smoking during pregnancy?

The baby will be born with Low weight and Premature birth.

Does smoking weed harm the baby if you are pregnant"?

Yes, smoking weed while pregnant can harm the baby. Research shows that it can lead to low birth weight, premature birth, and developmental issues. It is best to avoid using marijuana during pregnancy to protect the health of the baby.

How smoking effects your fetus?

Smoking tobacco causes highers chance of miscarriage up to 3 months and also low birth weight.

How will smoking weed affect a pregnancy?

Smoking weed during pregnancy can harm the developing baby. It may lead to low birth weight, premature birth, and developmental issues. It's best to avoid using marijuana while pregnant to protect the health of both the mother and the baby.

Are known health consequences of smoking during pregnancy?

The baby will be born with Low weight and Premature birth.

What are the potential risks and consequences of pregnant women smoking pot?

Smoking pot during pregnancy can lead to risks such as low birth weight, premature birth, and developmental issues in the baby. It may also affect the baby's brain development and increase the likelihood of behavioral problems later in life.

Does smoking a cigarette release nicotine into the bloodstream to a baby while pregnant?

Yes smoking durimg pregnancy can have many effects on the baby, such as a low birth weight

Is smoking weed during pregnancy harmful to the baby's development?

Yes, smoking weed during pregnancy can be harmful to the baby's development. Research has shown that it can lead to low birth weight, premature birth, and developmental issues in the child. It is recommended to avoid using marijuana during pregnancy to protect the health of the baby.

Should i quite smoking if im pregnant or will it put to much stress on a baby?

DEFINITELY QUIT SMOKING. smoking during pregnancy can cause low birth weight as well as severe birth defects. smoking is extremely harmful to fetuses, as it is to pregnant women, other adults, and children.