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to make a baby you need a female and a male together who are in love and the pines fits inside the vagina and that's called sex but sometimes sex dose not work you have to do it more then once if you wont a child or sometimes the male can not make baby's or the female can not have baby's so you could adopt a child and give a child a loving home

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Q: How does sex make a baby?
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Does sex make a baby?

Yes it can depending on how you do it. If sperms get into a vagina it might create a baby.

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Only when you have sex

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sex. Doggy style

How can we have baby?

To make a baby, during sex, make sure the sperms are as close as possible to your cervix. This is vital for egg fertilisation.

How do I make if I haven't had a baby?

Well the correct term to make a baby is called sex. there are 2 kinds: Sex and Safe Sex. Safe Sex is when men use a condom, the condom is used for protecting their sperm which makes the baby, this prevents the sperm from coming out. So if you want to make a baby you don't use a condom. Sex is when a men puts his groin in the women's vagina and the sperm is released. Sperm goes to the uterus and fertilizes the women's egg and that creates the baby. You won't have your period for the next 9 months.

Does sex really feeds a baby?

Sex does not feed a baby. Sex makes a baby.

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