Their bodies might not be as immune to the effects of smoking as well as older children. But smoking is bad for anyone.
It can hurt the development of the baby. Babies to smoking moms are often smaller at birth and develop slower than babies from non-smoking moms.
way too many smoking is a serious health risk for babies
In babies and children, many SMAs are rapidly progressive with paralysis of the legs, trunk, and eventually, the respiratory muscles. In teenagers and adults, SMAs are usually slowly progressive
Georga is cool
Yes, third-hand smoke can be a danger to babies and toddlers as it can linger on surfaces and in dust, exposing them to harmful chemicals. Parents can protect their children by avoiding smoking indoors, washing hands and changing clothes after smoking, and keeping their home and car smoke-free.
Smoking cigarettes is probably the number 1 cause of adverse outcomes for babies. Complications that occur frequently are: babies born prematurely, babies born too small or babies who die before they can be born at all.
when they breathe in second-hand smoke
Primary liver cancer can occur in both adults and children. However, treatment for children is different than treatment for adults.
it's really bad for the baby, babies born prematurely, babies born too small, babies who die before they can be born at all.
Hi, Most Some Babies are Born Without a "Anus" Because A Deform While Growing Inside The Woman, Or A Accident Happen, Some Deform Babies are Caused By Smoking, Drug Use, Or Smoking, But This Is Kinda Immature Question To Ask.
There are many ways one can amuse babies and children. One can amuse babies and children with LEGO toys, musical chairs, hide and go seek, and tag games.
No, Nazi's did not eat babies/infants or children. There was mass starvation of Jews, so babies and children would have died from malnutritition. Children were put into concentration camps, or killed with their parents.