love yourself so much that you will show the person you love they way they would be loved they cant resist it but i really dont get your question do you want to be single or did you want some advice?
Being single is a choice on most accounts. You are single until you develop a one to one relationship with someone. Then you're "in a relationship" You can go back to being single when one or both of you decide to end the one-to-one relationship.
well .. it will be difficult .. but i can make it . i am nearly 20 . i am single but i sometimes feels lonely but then engage into my work and all . I like to play with my pet. Actually my parents are divorced . That made me realise that not everyone is compatable to marriage or relationship . One thing i know is that presently i am not compatable to relationship and all. There are too many comprimises to be done and responsibilities and i cannot perform them . Its too difficult for me and i am sure about that . although i like being single and i think i can live life without sex and all . I personally believe spirituality is the only way to be single forever . I think i will be single forever and to be honest i will like it .
The postage stamp that had the word LOVE and a single pink rose on it, is a forever stamp. There was also one that had a value of .25 cents.
a single - dur
no one to tell you anything
I get the feeling that you might be a bit embarrassed or ashamed of being a single mom or that you're worried that he might not accept your child. But the fact remains that you are a single mom and you do have a child and if any man is unwilling to accept that fact, then he isn't the right one for you and your daughter. But if he has indicated that it doesn't matter that you're a mom and if he treats your daughter well, I wouldn't worry about it anymore. Just try to enjoy the relationship and enjoy being with him and your daughter at the same time.
Yes! He said ''I wanna be single for the time being''
yes and no, yes because it would be so much easier, and no because it would take forever for everyone to accept
Unless there is something they haven't told their fans, forever.
go to 104.1 on Saturday at 6
pair. In the analogy presented, the relationship between "one" and "single" is that of singularity, or being alone. Similarly, the relationship between "two" and "pair" is that of duality, or being together in a set of two.
The definition of individual is a single human being, a distinct entity, or existing as one member of a group. It can also mean a single instance, being, item, or thing.