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Small amounts of Marijuana never hurt anyone. Some of my friends in the past (when younger) would have a joint or two instead of alcohol because they got hang-overs from alcohol, but that's the only time they smoked it. If a person is a "pot head" in other words can't get it together (in their mind) without several tokes or joints of Marijuana (or the Marijuana bud in a regular cigarette) then they have a problem. Heavy users of Marijuana can experience depression, anxiety issues and panic attacks as well as lethargy. It is also hard on the lungs and heart. It can change the personality of the person dramatically and cause friction in the family, with friends or with mates. If you are older then you should be setting an example for your siblings, not letting them know over-use of Marijuana is a good thing. In fact, not using Marijuana at all is even better. If you are a younger sibling and heavy on the Marijuana this can change your moods, and by this you could be causing arguments or tension in the family. No one is happy then including yourself.

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Q: How does marijuana effect you life spiritual life and your family sybolings?
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How does marijuana effect your family?

you are stupid! the way you act because of marijuana will influence little siblings and other family members

What are the effects of marijuana on the family and society?

The effect of marijuana on family members is that they can cause the family bad health and themselves. It can cause many bad things to happen .

The effect marijuana has on today's society?

Opinion only .....Marijuana makes you lazy and dumb without any ambition or empathy and society (or your family) has to pretend you dont exist, so..users tend to not do ANYTHING AT ALL.

Is marijuana part of the Ragweed family?

Marijuana is a member of the Moraceae (Mulberry) family, while ragweed is a member of the Compositae or Asteraceae (composite or sunflower) family in the genus Ambrosia (Hitchcock & Cronquist, 2001).

Does marijuana effect the user's family?

yes, they spend more money on food cause they got the munchies. u worry about them. you wonder if they will ever be okay

What family is marijuana in?

Marijuana. Psychoactive plant. Technically, not a drug at all.

How does marijuana affect you and your family?

it affects your family because they are jelous.

How does marijuana affect your family?

It doesn't

What is spiritual family?

A spiritual family is a family that consists of people who look at after one another in a spiritual way.. Families are bein torn apart in this day and age, but a family that is spiritual can discern all things simply because they are being led by the spirit of God. A spiritual family leans on the word of God, rather then the words of Men, therefore, a spiritual family can receive the blessing of God, that will allow them to live better lives in a evil world, where morals are lacking as well as the truth.

How can weed affect your family and relationships?

There's tons of variables on this one. If your family and relatives aren't against marijuana, then your relationships probably won't be affected too much. They may worry about you doing something that's illegal. Like with anything, it's best to do in moderation. Occasional marijuana use will have no effect on your relationships. Alcohol and other drugs are more likely to affect your relationships negatively than marijuana.

How is the bible your family history?

If you are discussing the spiritual brotherhood of believers, then the bible is the history of believers. In that way, it can be your spiritual family history (if you are a believer).

Can ropes be made out of marijuana plants?

No, marijuana plants are a soft bush. Perhaps you are thinking of hemp (Cannibis Sativa), which is a plant of the same family as marijuana.