He was doing a bet with some other guy at the time, and was drunk so Arlene got in the same car and there ended up being a train coming that day. So they hit and Arlene was hit instantly and John died later that day in the hospital when Hagar was there.
Tina Shipley of The Stone Angel is not a question. If your question is Who is Tina Shipley of The Stone Angel,then the answer is:Tina Shipley is the grand-daughter of Hagar Shipley, the protagonist/narrator of Margaret Laurence's novel. She is the younger child of Marvin, Hagar's elder son, and Doris, Marvin's wife. As a woman of ninety, Hagar lives in Marvin & Doris's home, but Hagar's grandchildren - Stephen and Chris(Tina) do not live, since they are grown adults. Stephen and Chris(Tina) are the great hopes at the end of the novel: Hagar is dead, Marvin and Doris will die, but Christina and Stephen (look up the meaning of their names) will live on and hopefully be part of a generation that avoids the terrible mistakes that Hagar makes.
John Bartlett Angel died in 1993.
John Lawrence Angel died in 1986.
William Shipley died in 1803.
Arthur Shipley died in 1927.
Ruth Shipley died in 1966.
Beryl Shipley died in 2011.
Burton Shipley died on 1976-02-22.
Ann Shipley died on 1981-03-22.
William Shipley - linguist - died in 2011.
Helen Rulison Shipley died in 1955.