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Call the local store and ask prices can vary from place to place, but be sure you ask to see there license and health inspection report to ensure they are providing a safe service.

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Q: How does it cost to to get your ears pierced at Claire's?
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Were can you get your ears pierced in Oxford?


Where is a good place to get your ears pierced?

A good place to get your ears pierced is Lavender and Stone or Claires.

Why is does everyone say Claires is a bad place to get your ears pierce?

People assume that Claires is a bad place to get your ears pierced because they use piercing guns, which are bad- not true. I got my ears pierced at Claires and have never had a problem with them.

How much is it to get your ears pierced at Claires?

It is free to get one's ears pierced at Claire's. The only payment required is for the earrings chosen to pierce with.

How much does it cost to get your ears pierced from Claires?

£10 i think, but its skanky, my friend got hers done the other week there and its already infected!

How old do you have to be to get your ears pierced in Virginia?

Any age but your parents have to sign the papers so your parents decide when you can get your ears pierced. I got mine when I was 14. I did it at Claires.

Do you have to get both of your ears pierced at claires or can you just get one pierced?

You can get one I think... yeah I'm pretty sure you don't have to get both

How much is getting your ears pierced at Claires?

When I got my ears peirced (last month at claires) I got my birthstone earrings and they were 39.99. The piercing itself doent cost anything, you pay for the earrings. Getting your ears pierced at Claire's is: 1. Unsanitary. 2. Not safe. The people there are not professional piercers. They reuse the same piercing gun on everyone. That's gross. Go to a tattoo/body piecing shop. Research and make sure that the shop is clean and has a good reputation in your community.

Can you get your ears pierced at Claires?

Yes, but only if you are getting your lobes pierced. Andsee if they have guns that just came out of the package that haven't been used on anybody before. And when choosing earrings, choose some that are made of pure gold. And make sure the person who is piercing your ears has pierced ears many times before. And if you are getting your cartilage pierced go someplace else besides Claire's.

How much does it cost to get your ears pierced in Tamworth?


How much does it cost to get your ear pierced at the Glen Brook mall?

If you go to Claires, it costs around $45 now.

Should you get your ears pierced at Claires?

I would suggest leaving the piercing to actual professional body piercers who have licenses and inspection reports to attest to there professional abilities, the life of the piercing gun in the hands of an untrained unqualified individual are over. Be smart with your piercings and your health and see an actual Professional Body Piercer. I disagree because i got my ears pierced at claires and my holes came out fine.... i guess its up to u but all you hav 2 do at claires is pay for the earrings and they pierce your ears for free so its up to u