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it feels so good i cant even use words for it

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Q: How does intercourse feel like for a woman?
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When man and woman having sexual intercourse also that woman is her first time to have sexual intercourse what she will feel?

She will feel anxiety and then extreme relief and a extremely good feeling during and after the orgasm.

What is a woman's vagina feel like during sex?

It might feel a little pain with excitement.Woman is horny during intercourse hence the feelings are pretty constrained.

How does a woman know when she reaches her climax stage during intercourse?

A woman reaching her climax during intercourse varies for each person. Most women feel an increase of tension during intercourse and a climax releases that tension.

Why does girl feel like pressing breast during intercourse?

It might help her feel more pleasured by the intamacy.

When does a Woman really feel like a Woman?

When she decides she has become a woman.

Should girls shave their pubes?

Only if you feel comfortable about it. Men prefer to have sexual intercourse with woman who shave, but it is entirely up to you.

What Aretha Franklin song has the lyrics you make me feel like a natural woman?

"You Make Me Feel (Like A Natural Woman)"

How do hormones affect your body?

It affects you by then after receiving the harm-ones you then feel sexually attracted and you feel like having a sexual intercourse.

Why does it feel like fire going inside me in intercourse?

It shouldnt; I'd suggest going to the doctor.

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Can a man know after intercourse if the lady has conceived?

If you mean immediately after intercourse then no, neither can the woman.

What does sexual intercourse feel?
