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By being a source where students can chat to each other about homework, tests, etc,. and joining groups on FB related to various homework groups, classes, etc.

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Facebook can distract students from their studies by consuming their time and attention. Excessive use of social media can lead to procrastination, reduced focus, and poor time management, which can all impact academic performance negatively.

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Q: How does facebook not affect students grades?
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Do school uniforms not help students grades?

There is no clear evidence that school uniforms have a direct impact on students' grades. Factors such as teacher quality, class size, and educational resources may play a larger role in academic performance. Uniforms may promote a sense of belonging and reduce distractions, which could indirectly benefit students' academic focus and behavior.

Why do students addict in facebook?

Students may become addicted to Facebook due to its addictive design features such as notifications, likes, and infinite scrolling that trigger dopamine release in the brain. Additionally, students may use Facebook as a means of social connection and validation, leading to excessive use and dependency on the platform. The constant need to stay updated, fear of missing out, and desire for social approval can also contribute to Facebook addiction among students.

How do you think students should be graded for group work a group or individually?

Students should be graded both as a group and individually for group work. Group grades should reflect the overall performance of the team, while individual grades can highlight each student's contribution to the project. This approach encourages teamwork while also holding students accountable for their own work.

Many students strive to get good grades how would social learning theorists explain this behavior Would behaviorist explain differently?

Social learning theorists would explain students striving for good grades as a result of observing others being praised or rewarded for academic success, leading to imitation of the behavior to also receive positive reinforcement. Behaviorists may explain this behavior as being reinforced by the intrinsic or extrinsic rewards associated with achieving good grades, motivating students to continue engaging in the behavior to receive more rewards.

Which type of research strategy would allow you to determine whether students college grades accurately predict later income?

A longitudinal study would be the most appropriate research strategy to determine if students' college grades accurately predict later income. This type of study involves tracking a group of individuals over an extended period to observe changes or relationships over time. By collecting data on both college grades and later income from the same individuals, researchers can analyze the predictive power of college grades on future income.

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Do crushes affect students grades?

yeah it does affect there grades because they are too busy having sexual intercourse and forget about studying

What is a grade curve and how does it affect students' final grades?

A grade curve is a method used by teachers to adjust students' grades based on the overall performance of the class. It can raise or lower grades to fit a predetermined distribution. This can affect students' final grades by potentially increasing or decreasing their scores compared to their actual performance.

What does grading on a curve mean and how does it affect students' final grades?

Grading on a curve means adjusting students' grades based on the performance of the entire class. This can raise or lower grades depending on how well the class as a whole did. It can affect students' final grades by potentially boosting or lowering their scores compared to a traditional grading system.

What does grading on the curve mean and how does it affect students' final grades?

Grading on the curve is a method where students' grades are adjusted based on the performance of the entire class. It can raise or lower grades depending on how well the class as a whole did. This can affect students' final grades by potentially increasing or decreasing their scores compared to a traditional grading system.

What is a grading curve and how does it affect students' academic performance?

A grading curve is a method used by teachers to adjust students' grades based on the overall performance of the class. It can either boost or lower grades depending on how students compare to their peers. This can affect students' academic performance by potentially raising or lowering their final grades compared to their actual performance.

Is facebook bad for grades?

That just depends on the student him or herself. But there has been unconfirmed recent researches and articles showing that facebook has lead to 20 percent lower grades than students currently receive on average.

Uniforms affect grades in high school?

They do affect grades. If the students are able to dress as they want, then they can be more focused and happy in school. If uniforms are in place, then they are focused but not happy. Therefore uniforms are not a bad thing but do not please the students.

How does a grade curve work and how does it affect students' final grades?

A grade curve adjusts students' grades based on the overall performance of the class. It can raise or lower grades to fit a predetermined distribution. This can impact students' final grades by either boosting or lowering them compared to their original scores.

Does Facebook affect grades?

yes a great deal because the spelling of young people change

What does it mean to grade on a curve and how does it affect students' final grades?

Grading on a curve means adjusting students' grades based on the overall performance of the class. It can raise or lower grades depending on how well students did compared to their peers. This method can impact students' final grades by potentially boosting or lowering their scores compared to a traditional grading system.

How does a grading curve work and how does it affect students' final grades?

A grading curve adjusts students' grades based on the overall performance of the class. It can raise or lower grades to fit a predetermined distribution. This can impact students' final grades by potentially increasing or decreasing their scores compared to the raw scores they earned.

How does curve grading work and how does it affect students' final grades?

Curve grading is a method where students' grades are adjusted based on the performance of the entire class. This means that if the class as a whole performs poorly on an exam, the grades may be curved upward to ensure fairness. Conversely, if the class performs exceptionally well, grades may be curved downward. This can affect students' final grades by potentially raising or lowering them compared to their raw scores, depending on how the curve is applied.