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The only type of Birth Control that protects against HIV are condoms. Other methods do not prevent HIV.

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Q: How does birth control help protect against HIV?
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Does birth control protect against getting pregnant when you are on your period and just started it?

i just recently got on birth control myself. my gyno. and pharamacist both said it take 7 days to start working as a contraceptive. i may suggest calling your local pharmacy and asking them for help.

How can males help prevent teen pregnancy?

Preventing pregnancy is the same at all points in life. There are a number of birth control options. It is important to talk to your partner about the best options before having sex. Condoms are the birth control method that is easiest to get, effective, and will also protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

Can birth control pills help you not get pregnant?

Birth control pills are meant to help prevent pregnancy. That is what they're designed to do.

How quick can you get pregnant when you start birth control?

Birth control is designed to prevent pregnancy, not help you get pregnant.

Why do you need birth control?

You need birth control so you do not get pregnant also to thin out your period or help with cramps

Is birth control pills help to prevent estrogen?

No, most birth control pills contain artificial estrogen.

I found out that I am currently allergic to birth control my doctor told me this. I was on the pill and ring. What else can I do or take to help protect myself?

The concept of "allergic to birth control" is not clear. I suggest you talk with your doctor to get more information abou the problem you have, and suggestions about alternate methods once you have that information.

If you take ipecac together with birth control pillsdoes the birth control still work?

Vomiting your birth control pill is not effective. Please get help -- using ipecac is dangerous.

Why must food be covered?

To help protect against contamination

What happens when you take three birth control pills at once?

Nothing. There is no need to take 3 at once because you won't be protected any more than if you took one. Birth control pills are hormones that when taken for a month will help protect you from pregnancy . They have to be taken everyday to work.

Does birth control pill help after conceiving?

If you're pregnant, you should stop taking the birth control pill, as it is of no use.

Do birth control pills help with cysts?
