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Humans ingest an average of 50 milligrams of Arsenic a day, 80% of this comes from Meat, Fish, Poultry and Crop grown products; the other 20% comes from drinking water. Cigarettes contain approximately 0.8 micrograms of arsenic per pack (0.04 micrograms per cigarette). Two basic forms of arsenic exist; organic and inorganic. Inorganic arsenic is more poisonous than organic, and is present in cigarettes, drinking water and crops grown in the USA. The same amount of arsenic is present in crops as is in cigarettes. The reason behind this is that farmers used arsenic for pesticides, and the soil still contains this compound which is then filtered into drinking water supplies or into the plants themselves. Tobacco itself does not contain arsenic, it is a left over from pesticides still present in the soil. The full answer to your question (once you understand how it got there) is; Arsenic in tobacco effects you the same way as the arsenic in corn, too much will kill you (corn or tobacco).

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Q: How does arsenic from cigarettes effect the body?
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How does arsenic from cigarettes effect the human body?

You have arsenic in your body.You need a little of it ,but you don't need the rest.Too much arsenic could kill you

What is the effect on the body of rocket fuel in cigarettes?

turns you into a rocket

Is arsenic a metal found in the body?

Arsenic is a metalloid, not a metal, and is not a naturally occurring element in the human body. Ingesting or inhaling arsenic can be toxic and have harmful effects on the body.

Why is arsenic contained in cigarettes?

Its contained in cigarettes, because cigarette companies sell poison.... There are thousands of chemicals in these cancer sticks to question. But don't waste you're time.

Do cigarettes contain arsenic?

Yes, along with tar and 4700 other chemicals including formaldehyde, and ammonia

How do you remove arsenic from the body?

Arsenic can be removed from the body through various methods, such as chelation therapy, which involves using medications that bind to arsenic and help excrete it through urine. Increasing water intake can also help flush out arsenic through urine. In severe cases of poisoning, medical treatment may be necessary to remove arsenic.

What are facts about arsenic?

Arsenic is known to be a highly poisonous element. long term exposure to Arsenic in low doses can cause skin discolouration, corns and warts. In higher doses will lead to death. There are small quantities found in apple seeds. Arsenic is also used both in rat poison and cigarettes

What are the contains of cigarettes and its effect on your respiratory system?

Cigarettes contain many harmful ingredients like Tar, Arsenic (which is a poison), Nicotine (this is what makes you addicted to the cigarette) etc. The effect to the respiratory system varies from how much and the period of time you have been smoking. The damage to the respiratory system is the Alvoli in your lungs (Look like little sacs in your lungs) die and your lungs go black from the tar in the cigarette.

How much arsenic is in one cigarette?

On average, several hundred cigarettes contain the same amount of arsenic as a glass of drinking or bottled water or a portion of fresh vegetables. Arsenic occurs naturally and it enters the water table and is absorbed from the environment by ALL plants, not just the tobacco plant.

How long does arsenic stay in the body?

Arsenic can stay in the body for days to weeks, depending on the exposure level and individual factors such as metabolism and excretion rates. In cases of chronic exposure, arsenic can accumulate in tissues such as hair, nails, and skin, leading to long-term health effects. Treatment for arsenic poisoning may involve chelation therapy to remove the metal from the body.

What are the biochemical effect of toxicity of lead and arsenic?

They are cancerous and cause cancer to the cells

How long does it take for arsenic to take effect on humans?

It depends on the dosage. There is arsenic present in apple seeds (pips) - however - eating apple pips will not kill you !