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Enablers keep the addiction moving in full force, by making excuses for the addict/alcoholic, cancelling plans or calling in work for them, helping them avoid taking responsibility for their current condiition. Theyll often make drug or booze runs for them, but sadly, they're not often aware of how much of a role this behavior plays in helping the alcoholic commit slow suicide.

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โˆ™ 10y ago
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โˆ™ 5mo ago

An enabler unknowingly supports the addictive behavior by enabling the person to continue drinking without facing consequences. This can include making excuses for their behavior, covering up for them, or providing financial or emotional support that allows the addiction to persist. Ultimately, the enabler can prevent the addicted person from seeking help and making positive changes in their life.

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Q: How does an enabler affect a person addicted to alcohol?
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A person who knowingly or unknowingly supports the harmful behavior of another person?

Typically, this is person is referred to as an "enabler".Note that while this is usually used in a negative context, it is possible to be a positive enabler. Strictly speaking, the term "enabler" describes the supporting person, and does not judge whether the receiver of the support being harmful or beneficial.

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What does an enabler mean?

An enabler is someone who supports or allows another person's harmful or destructive behavior, often by helping them avoid facing consequences or by making excuses for their actions. This behavior can enable the person to continue their destructive patterns without taking responsibility for their actions.