Attempting to obtain step by step diagrams connecting an above ground pool to a sand filter.
i think its up
Add thru the skimmer box
I may be wrong but I doubt there is a scum gutter on above ground pools. There may be what is called a skimmer and that is sort of a hollow box like object at one side of the pool - usually located closer to the pool equipment side of the pool. When the pool pump is running you will be able to see water entering the box or skimmer. The purpose of the skimmer is to catch bugs, leaves, etc and to get the water back to the pump. It is part of the circulation system.
Google Aladdin pool equipment ( Lilly Pad skimmer)
The water will spill out through the skimmer, unless the skimmer it is blocked. Otherwise, it will spill over the top. It should not hurt the pool.
No the only thing it will effect is the skimmer and they rarely work too well any way unless you have a floating skimmer. evaporation and splashing will soon take care of it anyway. Rain is free water use it. Draining the pool will also waste pool chemicals.
If you have the regular set up that includes a skimmer, pump and filter then you don't have to waste any water. Get an lid-to-hose adapter, that fits over the skimmer basket at your pool supply store. Fill the hose with water and attach it to the lid. Place the lid inside the skimmer over the skimmer basket, then vacuum to your hearts content. Pool Masters
If this is an above ground pool you could just pull the old skimmer out cut the rusted section of metal out hit it with some rust converter, replace the section where there is no metal with a new metal forget about the old skimmer setup and replace it with a "floating pool skimmer" they do a better job any way.
make a cut out hole in the deck. make the deck "flush" with the skimmer lid or make it just above and do a removable deck section to hide the skimmer. Also leave enough room between the top pool railing and the deck for liner replacement
Yes possibly In reality, the skimmer will not cause a leak. What causes leaks are people who do not connect or glue the fittings to the skimmer properly. Or ground movement like earthquakes. k