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the sensor works on a magnetism system. The trigger is caused when a security tag is passed through between the sensors. The foil block's the signal from the tag being picked up. However, retailers are very aware of this and are now monitoring what customers do when they have tagged items in their possession. Police are now using part of the Theft act that says a person is going equipped to committee a crime (using/carrying the foil in a situation that the foil would not normally be used in)

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Q: How does aluminum foil block store sensors?
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Any proof of better gas mileage by wrapping the oxygen sensors in aluminum foil?

No, does not work.

How do we block TV and cellphone radiation?

You can create a Faraday Cage with aluminum foil.

Does aluminum foil block X-rays?

X-Rays normally detect foil because it is metal.

What materials could block a wifi signal?

aluminum foil and copper wire--but how does it block a cell phone's connection??-_-

Is mylar foil and aluminum foil the same?

No, mylar foil and aluminum foil are not the same. Mylar foil is made from polyester film, while aluminum foil is made from aluminum. They have different properties and are used for different purposes.

Does tin foil block store security tags?

Yes, tin foil can block store security tags from being detected by the sensors. However, it is important to note that tampering with security measures is illegal and can result in criminal charges.

Is a aluminum foil a compound or elements?

Aluminum is element. Aluminum foil is made entirely of aluminum.

Is aluminum foil an element?

No, aluminum foil is not an element. Aluminum is an element, but aluminum foil is a product made from thin sheets of aluminum metal.

How do you block satellite signal?

Aluminum foil your house top to bottom then trash all your electronics

Can you turn Aluminium foil back into aluminium?

No, it is not possible to turn aluminum foil back into pure aluminum through a simple process. Aluminum foil is already made from pure aluminum, but it has been processed and structured differently to form the thin foil material. Recycling aluminum foil allows it to be reused but does not revert it back to its original state.