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Alcohol slows down the communication between the eyes and

the brain. This can cause double vision, decrease reaction time

of pupils and impair the ability to see color shades. Unsightly

appearance. Bloodshot eyes are one of the most common physical characteristics of a heavy drinker.

vision problems often go hand in hand, so let’s explore how

alcohol abuse impacts your eyes.

Muscle weakness. Alcohol weakens the muscles of the eyes

and can permanently damage the optic nerve which transmits

visual images to the brain. Prolonged alcohol use can cause

involuntary rapid eye movement.

Neurological disruptions. Alcohol slows down the communication between the eyes and the brain. This can cause double vision, 

decrease reaction time of pupils and impair the ability to see color


Unsightly appearance. Bloodshot eyes is one of the most 

common physical characteristics of a heavy drinker. Alcohol

dilates ocular blood vessels, which makes them look larger

and gives the eyes a reddish color.

Sharp pain. Alcohol can make the eyes extremely sensitive

to light and cause migraine headaches.

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The moderate consumption of alcohol has no effect on vision.

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