Alcohol is very harmful and can affect everything in your body. Alcohol will cause inflammation of the stomach lining and increase acid production, causing ulcers (or open sores) and other problems. Please drink responsibly to prevent this.
yes, it do affect the alcohol
Alcohol does not affect how well Mirena works.
they cut out instestine's
Alcohol has no affect on metabolism; metabolism breaks alcohol down in the body.
The alcohol in not known to affect the flow of menstruation.
No. Corticosteroids can affect your mood, and could combine with alcohol (especially in terms of mood swings), but they will not affect the actual level of alcohol in your blood.
Alcohol does not affect the cerebrum...rather it affects the cerebellum of the brain.
It likely will not affect your treatment, but it is a good practice not to drink alcohol during treatment.
Alcohol can affect a few things. Alcohol can affect the mind, body and thinking.
large instestine
The large intestines job is to absorb nutrients
The colon leads to the great, outside world.