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I believe they use some type of spring which is compressed as the handle turns. Naturally, when you let go the spring try's to return to its original position. However, I'm not sure exactly how its done, because most wind up toys make some sort of noise, I would have to take one apart and see what devices are used.


Part-way there..... but be VERY careful if you dismantle anything driven by clockwork because the driving-spring is very powerful and if it is still partly wound up but you release it suddenly by not knowing what you are doing with it, it can bite, potentially seriously such as an eye injury. Clockmakers use special tools and wear eye-protection to deal with these things.


The mechanism is called a Clockwork Motor, because it uses a roughly similar motion to a spring-driven clock. The spring is very long strip of spring-steel wound into a coil further tightened by the winding-key. When the toy is released, the spring unwinds steadily, driving the toy along or around through a train of intervening gears. There may be some form of governor, perhaps just a "fly" (a small fan), to control the rate.


The original "wind-up" gramophones, now antiques, use a high-quality version of the clockwork motor fitted with a sensitive governor to keep the playing speed constant within fine limits. Music-boxes have a compact little clockwork motor to rotate the pin-barrel against the spring-steel comb that it plucks to produce the notes. You can now buy clockwork radios - invented I think by James Dyson - in which the motor drives a small dynamo.

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8y ago
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12y ago

There is a cam mechanism. You would turn a handle and a cam (egg cam pear cam circular cam offset cam) would turn . If the cam was a circular one the follower would spin if a pear it would spin slightly but go up and down smoothly if an egg then it would turn slightly and drop offset cam it would spin this would cause the model on top to move in whichever way

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8y ago

Like clockwork, a spring is wound tighter and tighter. When it is released the energy allows the toy's wheels to turn, or arms to move.

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16y ago

well, if its a simple wooden toy, then you pull or push it, but if its mechanical, then there would be an on and off button or switch!

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14y ago

how do you fix a sprung wind up toy

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A windup toy typically uses a combination of a wheel and axle for movement, gears for transferring rotational motion, and a spring for storing potential energy that is released as the toy walks or moves. These components make it a complex machine rather than a simple one.

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The Windup Girl was created in 2009-09.

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When a wind-up toy is released, the potential energy stored in the compressed spring is converted into kinetic energy, causing the toy's moving parts to start moving as the spring unwinds. This kinetic energy drives the motion of the toy until the energy in the spring is fully depleted.

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