Ummm...thats a hard question..maybe you should just eat stuff such as: Pasta (white sauce), dried fruit, bagel w/ cream cheese,milkshake (vanallia or chocolate ice-cream with chocolate chips in it (yummy), and you have to eat more than you normally 10,000 calories a week
eat fatty foods.
Girl or boy no matter! You are skinny as hell Gain some weight!
it doesnt matter because if your fat, you lose weight and gain muscle with weights and if your skinny, you gain muscle
They can from exercises that effectively build muscle such as weight lifting. Obviously, you aren't going to gain weight from body fat. :P
if ur skinny eat a lot and exercise
im so slim i need to gain weight!!!
i thought depression caused weight gain because your not exited or motivated enought to get up and exercise. so you gain weight
"How?" in the general way is she probably ate more and exercised less. "How?" as in she was always so skinny why would she gain weight, that is because she felt she was too skinny and she was uncomfortable with the way she looked so she decided to put on some weight.
The easiest ways to gain weight are to adjust one's diet and build muscle density. However, the right diet can vary, and some people potentially have disorders that prevent them from gaining weight. Consult a doctor or dietician if you're having trouble gaining or losing weight.
Well, its hard to gain weight on your arms specifically, however, you can add mass to them by building the arm muscle (with pushups, etc.)
I am too skinny
yes you can i did lots of fun if your skinny.... if your overweight DO NOT