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There are many types of harmonicas. I will describe to you how a diatonic harmonica works.

A harmonica has a chambered body with each chamber containing 2 small metal reeds. The reeds are flipped in alignment from each other.

As you blow into one of the chambers air passes over the first reed and causes it to vibrate and this vibration causes the sound you hear. As you draw air in through a chamber ("suck on a harmonica") the air passes through the chamber in reverse and causes the second reed to vibrate. because the reeds are aligned oppisately - the air direction will determine which reed vibrates.

Harmonicas use a series of reeds lined up from longer to shorter. The shorter the reed - the higher the pitch of the note sounded.

Some harmonicas use a wood body and some use plastic. There are also synthetic and metal reeds, which affects the pitch.

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What cleft does the harmonica play in?

It depends on the Harmonica. I have a G Major harmonica, my Dad has an A Major harmonica, my brother has a C major harmonica and my Grandpa has several in different keys as well. If you weren't told what key your harmonica is in when you bought it, you can figure it out with a piano.

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Can you take a harmonica on an airplane in a carry on bag?

You can definitely take a harmonica along with you.

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Differences between harmonica key A and key C?

The main difference between a harmonica in the key of A and a harmonica in the key of C is the pitch range they produce. A harmonica in the key of A is lower in pitch compared to a harmonica in the key of C. This means that the chords and notes played on a harmonica in the key of A will sound lower than those played on a harmonica in the key of C.

What is the meaning of harmonica?

harmonica is a instrument that can be played when you blow through it

How do you use harmonica in a sentence?

"Jimmy played a tune on his harmonica"

When was Alvin's Harmonica created?

Alvin's Harmonica was created in 1959.

What harmonica does johnny marr play?

a Horner blues harmonica.

Is the harmonica a percussion instrument?

The harmonica is classified as a wind instrument.

What family does the Harmonica come from?

The harmonica is part of the reed family.